32 [blush]

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Exiting her void at Elysian, she was hit with a sudden exhaustion that brought her to her knees. Rain soaked her clothing as pain sparked behind her eyes and her temporal lobes, and the feeling of something different—a sense of sorts that was never there before.

Maybe it had something to do with how different she looked, or her "Keefe Moment" being in the coma and all. And whatever it was though, it was powerful. Powerful enough to distract her from thinking clearly—like how it was raining when it never ever rained.

Hands pulled her up till she was suspended in the air. Arms surrounded her body as she was being carried bridal style towards shelter.

A warm body, a consistent heartbeat. A warm breath, a consistent pace.

Sophie knew who was carrying her.

Her not-knight-and-shining-armor. Her savior-disguised-as-a-villain.


And that was enough.

Waking up, she felt like everything was a dream. Like right now was when she actually awoke from her deep sleep.

She was safe here—with her family, her friends, her childhood home. Everything that was ripped from her, tossed aside and replaced by lies. This is where she should have woken, in the place where she felt most safe—a place that used to be Havenfield with Calla and Silveny. But lies were all she could think of when she thought of being there.

Mind games and sugar covered lies.

Pulling off her blanket, she sat up and stared amused at the sight in front of her.

A banshee, cocked its head up and stared at her with bright eyes. It gave her a cute mewl and cuddled into her side—it should have scared her more due to Elwin's banshee, Bullhorn, only greeting snuggly if someone was about to die, but she got a different feeling from the adorable creature in front of her.

Another thing was that her bed was shrouded with any and all kinds of crystals, from opal to sapphire to jade. They were glowing on and off, but when she reached out to touch them, they all faded to their normal glamor.

Getting off the bed, she carried the creature and walked out.

When she got out of the room, there was a shift in the air. It was different, depressing, saddened, and almost mourning.

"Hello!" She yelled, her voice echoing through the empty hall.

Finding her way towards where she found everyone the last time—she only made herself more lost. Because she found where she and Ruy were, by the Moonlight Assassins Portrait Hall, but then she thought she found the secret room and it was just a regular wall.

Cursing under her breath, she tried again. "Hello! Anyone here?"

Then all of a sudden, the wall across the wall she was looking at opened and an overjoyed hazel haired girl came running out.

"Dios mio! Nyx!" Hazyll wrapped her in a suffocating bear hug. "How are you? Are you okay? Are you still hurt? Why did you risk coming here?"

Rapid fire questions were coming and then they weren't stopping. Until the girl in front of her started crying, "I'm so sorry, this would have never happened if I was paying attention. If I was paying attention then I would have gotten out of the way of the lightning bolt before it got anywhere near me." And then her friend's tone turned accusing, "Why did you step in front?" She accentuated her words with a punch to Sophie's shoulder, "Why did you do that? Do you know how stupid—"


"No! You could have died!" Her friend cried out and grabbed her face, "I would have taken that lightning bolt. I didn't need you to save me! It was stupid, so so stupid—"

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