I Love Rock & Roll (4)

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Shy rehearsed the song so much that she forgot to count how many times she'd performed it. After a while she had a break because the tips of her fingers were starting to hurt. She did use guitar picks, but it still hurt to hold the pick for ages. Shania actually liked using two different picks for her guitars. Sometimes she'd use a regular rounded triangle shaped pick that her dad gave a her a few years ago from one of the older Hollywood Vampire concerts and she also used a 2p penny that she had for years which gave off a slightly different sound compared to the regular sound a plastic pick would usually have. She was actually inspired by Brian May who also uses a coin when playing his guitar for Queen. She put her pick and coin away into her pocket and then rested her hands for a while.

Shy sat down on the sofa again and listened out to see what she could hear the boys singing. It sounded like they were finishing off 'People Who Died' and were starting to get ready to play 'The Jack'. Both songs were some of Shy's favourites. Shy grabbed her phone and went onto Instagram, people were already posting POV videos of the show in the audience. She knew that her followers would freak out if they knew she's be performing with the Vampires so she did a little sneak peak for them. She took a selfie with her guitar on her lap and posted it to her Instagram story with a caption saying, "Who is ready to rock tonight?" and she tagged the Hollywood Vampires.

A few minutes passed and 'As Bad As I Am' started to play. At first Shy didn't care until she remembered that it was the song Tommy told her would be on before 'Heroes'. She scrambled and grabbed her electric guitar and put the strap over herself and rushed out to find the crew. It seemed like they were on their way to find her anyway so they grabbed her guitar from her and led her to the side of the stage. The crew plugged her guitar in and tested it to make sure everything was working right. Shy took a few gulps of water to try and calm herself down and to hydrate her vocal chords before going on stage. The crew passed her guitar back to her and she put the strap over her shoulder again. "You'll be on soon, darl." A guy whispered to her.


Blood must have been pumping through Shy's veins like never before. She was panting while she waited for the boys to finished. As she looked up at the stage she saw her father and Alice walking around the stage singing together, then she saw Tommy jumping around the back of the stage and she could have sworn she saw the silhouette of Joe somewhere too. Johnny seemed to be hiding, she couldn't see him on stage. She looked around at all of the boys and suddenly saw Johnny step out of a shadow and appear in front of everyone. People screaming, but Shy couldn't understand how Johnny had just appeared out of thin air in front of her, "He must really be a  vampire," she said to herself. The song finished and then Johnny, as if he knew, turned to his right and saw Shy stood by the stage, looking around nervously. Johnny stepped towards her and held his hand out for her to grab and walk onto the stage with. Shy took one final deep breath and grabbed Johnny's hand and stepped up onto the stage. Shy slowly turned her face towards the audience which only made them scream and shout even more. Shy didn't believe that people recognised her at all, after all, she wasn't nearly as famous as her father and grandfather. Wayne left the stage from the other side and walked away. Alice spotted Shy and introduced her....

"And tonight, making her very first Hollywood Vampire debut, Shania Havoc ladies and gentlemen!"

"Wahooooo!" The crowd yelled.

Shania waved a little and then stood beside Johnny. Johnny grabbed her wrist and pulled her along after him as he walked towards the centre of the stage. 

"I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day"

Shania stood a few feet behind him and started jamming out.

Tommy and Joe came towards him too so the three of them gelled together for a few moments.

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