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I felt as though I was being led to a slaughter. All traces of being friendly on Vladimir's face were long gone as we started this journey.


Maybe if I just behaved myself I could actually have a shot at life.


Yes, those stairs. We kept going and this time it took us less than 5 minutes because apparently we were already late.

Late for what? I know not.



I did as I was told and this was another part of the house. All sparkling and rich.

I didn't have the time to take in everything because Vladimir held me by my arm and pulled me into the dinning. The dinning was filled. Men of different sizes were every where, some moving towards another huge table were different plates and food were.

"Ey! Vladoo!" A voice shouted and all the attention went to Vlad..me..

"Who's the red hair?" A voice asked

"She's the Capo's present" Vlad said his voice cold

"She's beautiful " one said, I turned to who gave the complement. Awwwn, he was so cute. He had earrings on his ears and his beard was plaited.

Vlad pulled me over to one empty chair and sat me down "I will get you something to eat" he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing against my lobe.

"No, no. I am alright " I whispered back

"You still think it's poisoned, yes?" He asked breathing so close to my face

"Is it not?" I taunted

"Avtoritet is here!!!" A voice yelled from a distance

Everyone stood up and the whole place went quiet, not even the sound of someone's breathing could be heard. After a few minutes, we heard the dining door open and he walked in.

His whole body filled the door frame, he was so tall, so bulky. He was in a black shirt that outlined everything beneath it, he wore army colored trousers and I noticed that cross chain on his neck. They all stood at attention while Vladimir held me in place.

He walked over to the dining and sat at the head of the table. I noticed his seat was even different from the others. He took off his shades and his blue eyes came to view.

He looked at me, his eyes raking me from my hair to my feet. He did it to slowly that I felt he was trying to undress me with his eyes.

"Who's she?" He asked not leaving my gaze for a second. His voice was rough and deep, probably due to the cold, who am I kidding? He sounded like a smoker. An attractive smoker.

I give him this, he was beautiful, probably even way more attractive than Vladimir. I even noticed the piercings filled with diamonds on his left ear. I noticed that tattoos on his neck. It was attractive.

"Your gift boss, happy birthday in advance" Vlad said giving me a little push towards Avtoritet

I gasped in shock before standing erect, my gaze now on his hand. I noticed the rings on his fingers. All masculine and huge, probably expensive.

Avtoritet leaned back on his seat before looking at Vladimir

"200 thousand ?" He asked

Vladimir nodded. Wait, he bought me for 200 thousand?

"This is the cheapest gift I have ever gotten" he said pointing at me but his eyes never left Vladimir

"I apologize Avtoritet" Vlad said

Avtoritet turned back his attention to me, he rubbed his thumb against his middle finger "Twirl" he didn't need to put effort into his tone to make it sound like a command.

I breathed out trying to calm the demon in me as I did a 360 and turned to face him waiting for his validation.

As I stood I felt something against my legs and I didn't dare move. I glanced briefly downwards and saw a black looking panther. Sapphire. She kept sniffing me. My heart began to pound against my chest but I refused to show fear, call me stupid.

Avtoritet watched the scene unfold before his eyes, when I glanced at him, his brows were raised in confusion and amazement, he probably thought that I was going to jump on him and beg him to hold Sapphire down. Dick.

He stood up and Sapphire immediately ran for her life, wow, even wild animals feared him. He walked until he was right in front of me. Jesus, he was tall.

I didn't dare raise my gaze above his chest.

His ringed fingers tilted my face upwards until I was looking at him, his rings felt so cold against my skin.

"Look at me" he said, his voice wasn't loud but it was a command, a command that gave no room for argument.

"Open" he said,  his thumb tracing my lips. His mouth smelt of  peppermint. My mouth parted voluntarily and he took two of his fingers down my mouth.

"No gag reflex" he said taking his fingers out, what does that even mean? His eyes wandered through out my body, his huge hands that had a few ink marking groped my breasts making me gasp in shock, I raised my hands to remove his hands but Vladimir's words rang in my head and I quietly placed my hands down.

"Very full" he muttered to himself but I still heard him. His fingers circled around my nipples, I had no bra on because Vlad hadn't given me any with the things he brought. My nipples hardened in seconds while I tried to hard to fight the sounds that were threatening to escape my lips

His hands left my breasts and trailed down the skin that divided my top from my joggers. My heart began to beat wildly, was he about to fuck me in front of his men like the commanding lord did to those women??

His huge hands grabbed my ass pulling me closer to him. I placed my hands in-between the both of us refusing to let him feel my breasts against his body.

His hands squeezed my ass hard, I wanted to raise my hands and slap him so hard against his face but the men surrounding me made me think otherwise.

His eyes for one second never left mine and I couldn't look away either, what if I looked away and he ordered my execution? Hell no, if he wanted an eye contest, I was going to give him one.

His hands never left my ass, he kneaded it against his palm a few more times before he patted it.

He circled around me slowly, taking in my whole form before he took a step back from me making me finally release the  breathe I didn't realize I was holding in.

He went back to his plate and picked a strawberry, he placed it in-between his teeth before he walked away. As soon as he left, the place became noisy again.

I felt Vladimir behind me, he traced my exposed arm with his fingers before he whispered in my ears "He approved"

So... What do we think???

I personally liked it.

What's your dream vacation? Me, Dubai. I def want to see it.

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Lots of love,
Lomera 💜

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now