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We didn't stop for a single moment even as night surrounded us, I munched on the snacks and drinks that he had in a cooler and fed it to him as he kept driving

"Pepsi" he said, tipping his jaw backward slightly, I opened the can and poured some into his mouth

According to his phone, it was 11 in the night and according to him, we should be in Kazan by 2 in the morning. My heart calmed down a bit but I knew that I wouldn't be in total control as long as we were in Moscow.

I really prayed that Emilia was okay; I wonder how she was able to handle the situation by herself.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep?" He asked

"And...give myself a chance to get surprised? I'll pass"

He nodded "I wouldn't advise us to stop or anything, we have to keep going"

"Alright. Let's keep going then" I said

"But I am feeling sleepy" he said ; and I suddenly felt bad, dude has been driving like a mad man for the past hours and he was obviously tired

"I wish I could tell you that I could drive" I said

"Well there is something you could do for me..." He said wiggling his eyebrows

I hope he wasn't about to whip out his dick and ask me to suck it because....

"Oh no no... I don't like that face" he said laughing

"What face?" I asked

"That face. I was just gonna ask you to sing to me" he said shrugging "If you wanna"

Oh, I said feeling embarrassed for even thinking like that, Avtoritet had really corrupted me.

"Oh, what will you like me to sing to you then?" I suggested

"Anything that's gonna keep me awake actually " he said

"I am not so big on music or anything but I did hear a sound earlier today at Avtoritet's empire..."

"Alright..give it a shot" he said smiling lazily at me

I breathed in before drumming my hands against the cockpit cover

"Oh, she got bass" he said smiling while I rolled my eyes

"Grragh" I said and watched as his eyes widened

"You thought I was feeling ya?" I sang

"That nigga a munch" he sang back making me smile

"Nigga a eater, he ate it for lunch" we both sang out

He rapped the other lines while I said a few words that I could remember and I watched as sleep vanished from his eyes.

Dutch was actually very fun to be around and he knew how to keep conversations going for long hours

"So..." He started as we were done with singing and laughing

"Hm?" I asked, I had moved over to the front seat while we were driving and currently my legs were on the airbag and my eyes on the land before us

"How did you end up here?"


"Ah! Such an interesting story" he mocked

"There's nothing to tell" I said shrugging

"Hm? How about why you are here, it's so obvious that you are from an Island, its also obvious that you aren't here for a vacation, so tell me дорогой (sweetheart) ?"

"Well I'm definitely not a tourist, and yeah, I am from Ireland. I was stolen from my home and dragged here." I said shoving my hands into my hood pocket "I was sold to Vladimir and given as a gift to Avtoritet "

"Wait, Vladimir bought you?" He asked

I nodded "Yeah"

"Fuck, he really doesn't learn" Dutch muttered

Wait... "What? What do you mean?"

"Back then, Vladimir wanted Avtoritet to bring up a new division in the Mafia and he knew that simply asking wasn't going to cut it, so, he used Avtoritet's weakness against him. Women. He brought a girl, Lucille to Avtoritet and tried to use her to convince Avtoritet to bring up a new division. Long story short, Lucille is dead"

I gasped, does that mean Vlad thought he could use me to achieve something? Why are these Russian men so complicated?

"And what did Avtoritet do to Vladimir?"

"He almost killed him actually but Vlad has God on his side" Dutch said

There's really a lot about this men that I do not know about

"Do you think we would be able to speak to Avtoritet's mother..."

"No one has actually ever heard of her before"


So she's either dead or anonymous.


"Never heard of him even having a female in his life" Dutch said

"Is that why he doesn't value women?" I asked

"Probably," he shrugged

Not enough excuse, but seriously though where are his people?

We drove talking about random things and the world generally before he smiled. A very big smile.

"Kazan" he said

I smiled "Finally"

We drove down a path "God, I just need a bed and I will be off to la la land" he said

"Maybe we could lodge somewhere tonight?"

"That's cool"

We both kept going, looking for hotels or guesthouses that were open. Luckily we found one, we both strode into the reception and the receptionist smiled at us despite her disapproving eyes towards our outfit

"Love and Garden suite..." She started

"Two rooms" I said cutting her short, I was exhausted and I needed to sleep

"Oh, two? Alright, let me quickly check through our rooms" she went back to her screen before she smiled lightly "I apologize ma'am, but you and your husband will have to share a room"

"Actually I am not..." Dutch started, trying to clear the misconception

"It's alright, the keys?" I said dismissing her words, if she thought I was married then that's her problem not mine

Dutch paid for the room and got the room number while I took the key and headed to the lift with him behind me.

We headed to the room and I opened it with the key. The room was beautiful, one chair and one humongous bed adorned the room. A few beautiful scented candles and all

"I'll take the chair" he said shrugging off his jacket. I watched him lie on the chair while I climbed on the bed. After a while, I turned to look at him and noticed that his leg was on the floor

"Dutch" I called out and he hummed

"Come sleep on the bed, there's enough space for two of us"

What's going through your mind? I hope it ain't what's going through mine tho😂

Anyways... Hit me with your votes and  comments.

Just curious, what's worse, body odor or mouth odor?? Me, def mouth odor cause I finna kiss ya only to be repelled, like WTF nig??

Or you wanna speak to me but your mouth smelling like shit!

Anywho, Vote, comment, follow and share.

Lots of love,
Lomera 💜

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now