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Doris had a smile on her face as she applied white polish to my nails. My mouth felt so defiled and different as I stared at it through the mirror. Yesterday I had cried so much that I began to laugh like a psycho. I was truly losing my mind in this house

"Why are you smiling?" I asked Doris"I mean, yes you should be happy but today, you are extra..."

"Oh, I know. Today is the day" she said or rather sang

Emilia groaned "Just tell her and stop being stupid"

Doris made an ugly face at Emilia before talking to me with a huge smile "Well, Vladimir is going to recruit men to work under him"

"And what's so special about that?" I had to ask failing to understand her joy

"There is going to be a fight. A very brutal fight and those who manage to not die by Vladimir's hands will be sworn into the Mafia" she explained

I looked at her weirdly, this girl was definitely crazy; amongst us three, she seems to be the only one content with being a hostage.

"She's turned on by blood and violence " Emilia explained

Doris laughed "I am not turned on, I just like the event. We get to see new people and every man gets to see Vladimir in action"

I looked at Doris "Every man?"

She nodded

"Where's this fight held?" I asked as ideas and plans began to surface in my head

She raised her brow "Right here. In this house, there is a particular area kept for this purpose "

I nodded. Oh sweet Lord, you are indeed amazing! This is my chance, a golden opportunity to actually get away from this house and get help.

I felt something cold against my skin and instantly my thoughts dissolved

"What's that?" I asked Emilia as she placed a chain on my ankle. Yes we spoke when I was in my feelings but that didn't mean I trusted them

"An anklet" she said in a duh tone

"Why am I wearing it?" I asked looking at Doris

"Well, it beautifies the neck, the same way chains beautify the waists and necks" Doris said

I looked back at the anklet that had moons and stars on it, it was really beautiful. I glanced at Emilia

"Thank you"

She shrugged before standing up "Sure" and she walked away

For the first time ever, Doris stayed behind after Emilia left.

"So, yesterday I saw the Avtoritet walk into your room" Doris started smiling at me, I wonder what's going on in that brain of hers?

I whipped my head in her direction "And what were you doing awake by 2 in the morning Doris?" I asked back

"I am a maid Liz, I am always on duty" she explained

She opened one of the cupboards on the vanity table and brought out a fan. A small portable fan, she placed my hand on the table, turned the fan on and it began to dry my nails.

"Well... Are you going to spill?" She asked picking up a comb and walking behind me. I looked at Doris for a while contemplating, Doris was a sweet girl and I didn't really want to share something so dirty with her, I felt so dirty.

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now