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"I come with news!" Emilia's voice rang as she bursted my door open. She stood and stared at me as I attempted to fix false lashes, which is kind of harder than I imagined so I simply dropped it and looked at her as she stared at me shocked.

"I can't believe I am saying this..." Emilia mumbled "You look good. Doris outdid herself with the hair" she gushed, her fingers moving through it.

I smiled turning back to the mirror. I had my hair done, my brows trimmed and arched in a "don't fuck with me" kinda way. I felt different.

"I know"

"There's something different about your glow Liz. I can't seem to place it" She said as she stared at me in my eyes as though she could read my secrets.

I coughed "I think it's my brow. It looks great, doesn't it?" I hoped she didn't know what transpired between Avtoritet and I

She shrugged before pulling me to stand up "The Dominican Mafia is coming over this morning to meet Avtoritet"

I nodded slowly

"And that's our only chance to get Kirill's phone because Kirill leaves this evening" she said

I nodded "Yes, the house will be crowded and Avtoritet will be with them"

"Exactly, you have to get that phone Liz." She said in a detective tone.

"I will..." I had barely finished my sentence when

My door was pushed open and Doris walked in, looking happy and I noticed a black bag in her hand

"Ciao ladies!" She greeted with a smile adding a twirl.

"Ciao? Really?" Emilia rolled her eyes

Doris stuck a tongue at her "Avtoritet said you'd be joining him to see the Dominican Mafia leader"

I turned to look at Emilia who signalled me to keep calm. I really admired the way she could keep calm in situations while I totally couldn't keep my rage in check.

"Oh" I said pretending to be alright with it. That was a huge hole in my plan and a huge hole meant that I will be stuck in here another day. Yay me!

She placed the bag on the bed and smiled at my kitten before turning to me. "Oh, your brow. It looks good"

I smiled "I did it myself"

"That's wonderful!"

Emilia and Doris helped me get ready while we engaged in small talk about the Dominican Mafia, apparently, Doris hates them. A shocker actually because Doris doesn't hate anyone. She doesn't even hate the right people.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into the room with a robe over my body.



"Can you make my hair wavy?"


I sat down and she curled my hair while Emilia began to fix my nails.

"He has this girlfriend or fiancé, Rebekah. She's a bitch, don't let her get to you" Emilia advised

"And... Don't shake their hands, ever." Doris added sternly

"Yes don't." Emilia added and I nodded.

They finished with my hair and nails and Doris excitedly opened the bag and brought out what I was to wear. Normally, I'd definitely not want anything to do with such indecent gown but this was a new me and I was willing to make sacrifices to get what I want.

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now