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Note: Honestly, I hated the previous chapter but I just needed to upload sum' because it was Christmas over here and I felt kinda guilty for being absent for 3 days... Anyways, this chapter will be better than the previous and hopefully you like it enough to vote.


I sat down on my bed rethinking me and Emilia's plan all over in my head while Doris stood afar chatting my ear off as usual with a big smile on her face not a care in the world.

I had successfully gone to Kazan to tell Maxim about Avtoritet, leaving out a few details like... How he owns a frigging airport, how his house is located in the damn forest and how Kirill was his brother who also happens to be the fucking President.

But Kirill was so nice, I mean, he seemed nice in just the few seconds that we spoke. He looked nothing like Avtoritet, he seemed responsible so why would he encourage Avtoritet to take such a path? Why didn't he hand him over to the police or something?? What was I missing in this puzzle?!!!

Ahh!!!! It's so frustrating!!!

Maybe... Just maybe... I needed to speak to Kirill...maybe...just maybe...he could help. Could he though? He definitely loves his brother, I doubt he'd want him dead. Shit!

"Doris" I called out cutting her off from her endless talks

"Yes?" She replied ever so chirper as she flattened her hands over her apron.

"What's Kirill like? What do you know about him?"  I tucked a pillow between my legs as I had a short gown on

She blinked obviously shocked by my question, her doey eyes showed it all.

"Kirill? You are choosing Kirill over Avtoritet. Is that normal?" She asked walking closer to me, it was so obvious that she couldn't dare sit on Avtoritet's bed, even if her life depended on it

Now I was shocked, choosing? I wouldn't ever choose any of those Russian fucks for anything. Not only were they brothers, they were involved in crimes and trafficking, they deserve death, fuck love.

"And what's so difficult to believe. How can you even compare a man like Kirill to a retard like Avtoritet? I know not much about them but I can say for certain that Kirill just based on how he speaks, is more of a man than Avtoritet ever will be" I say angered that Doris was comparing a human being to a beast.

She smiled "Apologies, well, Kirill is single" she said wiggling her brows obviously trying to lift the mood of the room

"An information that I clearly do not need" I reply laughing

"Well, he's actually a very humble person" she said smiling "He once fed me water from his own cup when I fainted and carried me in his arms to a guest room till I was better" she smiled as she remembered

"If he's such a nice person then why do you prefer Avtoritet to him and why is he allowing his younger brother go through such a path?"  I needed answers and I needed them fast

"Avtoritet..." She drawled out with a smile on her face. A smile that I noticed blossomed whenever she called the name *Avtoritet* "His way of kindness is different from every other person's kindness"

I sat up willing to hear where she goes with this

"I remember when my uncle sold me to this empire" she said looking around the room, her eyes solemn and dull "I was so scared because I had no idea what I was to be used for. I had no idea if they would make me a slave or a whore or even kill me" she said and I noticed a tear slip from her eyes. Doris was never one to cry she was always happy and seeing her cry made my heart melt.

"Avtoritet walked up to the room where me and alongside a lot of girls were held and told us to follow him into the main house. We were bathed, clothed, fed and he never for a second harmed us. He saved us"

I scoffed shaking my head in disagreement  "He didn't save you, if he wanted to save you, he should have let you go back..."

"Back to what Liz?" She snapped cutting me short "An Uncle who raped me? Father's who neglect and raise stakes on their daughters? Mothers who take drugs and alcohol to numb pain? Thanks but no thanks"

Her tone shut me up entirely. She was raped? I had no idea. Then again, what do I even know about any of them? Nothing, absolutely nothing

"Remind me if I am wrong Liz, your dad gambled yes?" She asked looking me straight in the eye with an expression I had never seen

I nodded remembering the painful memory of how he would use all our money to bet and play cards and then come home angry and drunk when he lost which was almost all the time if I am being honest.

"Did your mother not at any point ever let her anger make her hit you?" She asked so sure that I was going to give her a positive answer

I immediately nodded remembering the sensation I felt when a frying pan was whacked against my head by my mother numerous times when I was little

"So tell me Liz, what exactly do you want to return to? A dead mother? Or a runaway father who obviously doesn't give two shits about you?" Her words were painful but then it was the truth, the fucking bitter truth

I felt my eyes go blurry as tears swam around.

"I know you hate these Russians but these is the closest thing you have to a life. You are clothed, fed, bathed and you communicate with people over here." She gestured with her hands

"I bet you think there is a better life oustide these walls but this is fucking reality Liz! There is no life outside here, no one is your friend, you know nobody, you have no money and no one believes in charity!" She snapped as the veins in her neck stood prominently

"I have no idea what Emilia planted in your head about Avtoritet but there is one thing I can tell you for sure" she said making me look up to her "Killing Avtoritet wouldn't give you peace, it will consume you. Avtoritet might look like a horrible person to you because of the shit you have gone through but to me and to every fucking soul in this building, he is our hero and he saved us from one thing or the other. So go ahead and hate him all you want because at the end of the day, the hate you have for him won't outweigh the fact that you'd be dead if he hadn't brought you in here" she said finally

The room was in absolute silence as she finished talking leaving me to think and ponder and wonder.

"Anyways..." She said in her usual happy tone causing me to look at her, wasn't she just mad a few seconds ago??

"What are you wearing for the ball tonight?!" She asked throwing my closet door open as she jumped in glee.

Fuck, I need Emilia!

How are you feelin'???

Long time no friggin see!!!!

Watching TVD and I just thought to vent, Elena doesn't deserve Stefan and that's on perioddd.

Anyways, what do we think of Doris ? I personally like her here!!!!

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Just curious, Where are you reading from??👏

Listening to Yeah 3x by Chris Brown.

Lots of love,

Lomera 💜

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