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Another shout out;

This chapter is dedicated to uzer342819 and espanta3106; thank you so much for voting loves💜

And lunacasper389, she finally followed me😭💜


Zakhar rarely drove; if he ever did then it was an emergency or he needed time to think, in this case, he needed to think, vent, laugh and curse.

One of his overly masculine hands was on the wheel and other itching to be place somewhere, probably on the lap of Elizabeth, he couldn't deny, her skin was soft and thick all at once. He finally placed it on the glove compartment, while his eyes were on the road.

He couldn't help but smile, he was so close to ruining Nikolai Azanchevsky's legacy. He could taste the ruins all ready, he could see how Nikolai was twisting and turning in his grave wishing he had control over the situation, shame, he didn't .

Avtoritet had all the power and authority.

He drove for a while until he finally arrived at his destination. He parked his car by the side of the road and came out his shades over his eyes. He looked around and nodded, this was definitely the place. He had never been here before but he was sure this was the address that Kirill had given to him years ago.

He walked into the graveyard, both hands in his pocket as his eyes surveyed the environment, looking for the grave of his father.

Here lies

Nikolai Innokenti Azanchevsky
A son, husband, father and a General

Zakhar almost scoffed at the word father; he wasn't a father. He was a commander. One who treated his children as though they were his cadets in the military or something.

"And here I was thinking I'd never ever come here" he started looking around before looking back at the grave "You look good here Nikolai, like this place suits you so much better. I guess death really brings out your true color" he joked before bursting out in a sadistic laughter, he took off his glasses, suddenly becoming serious

"And there I stupidly was thinking you were invincible or something" he said shaking his head at his younger self "Anyways, I come with news... Good news to me and bad news to you, not that it matters because you obviously can't do shit about it but you need to hear it from me first. You see Moscow? Kazan? Saint Petersburg? Name it, every fucking city in Russia has my mark imprinted on it. Right, right. You are probably lost. Well, I will tell you everything and guess what Nikolai? You have no choice but to hear it, you have no choice but to believe it, you can't postpone it because this isn't a meeting, you can't use your duty as an excuse to not listen to me because you are exactly where I want you. Immobile, powerless and dead"

He took off his suit and placed it on the floor before sitting on it , face to face with Nikolai's grave.

"Much better, yes?"

"Okay, let me see. I shouldn't reveal too much because it doesn't matter but I should reveal just enough to not get you confused and on board with everything" he started stroking his beard lightly

"Hmm... I own a Mafia" he said then kept quiet as though he was waiting for a reaction "You are probably throwing a fit and wishing you could hit sense into me. The funny thing is it started as just a simple drug business and guess why? That's because my own father, didn't add my name in his will and my own father didn't let me study the course of my dreams but instead pushed me to learn a craft. I must thank you for that though because I have become quite skilled with my hands if I say so myself"

"What else? Oh yes, I sell ammunition too, Missiles, grenades, bombs, landmiles, bullets, warheads, Rifles, shotguns, handguns, I could go on and on; and you wouldn't believe it but your beloved son, Kirill actually helped me out a lot. I do hope he told you about it, I hate to be the bearer of such news.  I move drugs too, in amounts that will leave you speechless and wondering. All these aside, I own an airport actually, a seaport and the biggest restaurant in Russia. I can guess you know what I use the seaport and airport for? "

Zakhar stretched his legs "I guess now that you are up to date, it's time I tell you why I am actually here. Well, I made it my life mission to ruin your legacy and the name you built for yourself, Kirill already ruined your name the moment he decided to step down as President, but, can you imagine the shock that will be on the faces of the entire Russia when they find out that your other son is actually the ruler of the underworld, an untouchable force and a god? "

Zakhar chuckled before breathing out loudly "I will kill to see your face when such news is out. You'd probably take your own life than watch your sons ruin everything you worked hard for all your life"

"The truth is I have moved on. Gone are the days when I think of everything you put me through, the days where I wonder how I went wrong and why I was even born when it was obvious that I was a mistake." He stood up leaving his suit on the floor "But here's a promise father... I will be the biggest mistake you have ever made and I will make sure of it. I will make you regret every single thing that you did to me,all the times that you pretended to not see me existing, all the times you chose duty over me and for the times you looked me in the eyes and called me a disappointment"

He walked a little further and saw his mother's grave and bursted out in laughter

"What should I even say to you? If I hate Nikolai then I loathe you, If I detest him then I despise him and if I wish him death then I wish you never existed and if you did exist, I wish you a long life of endless sorrows. It's funny how I do not even remember what you look like." He closed his eyes briefly, her picture coming to his head "Nothing at all. Oh yes, I remember you wishing for Kirill to grow up, marry and have children. Again, I hate to bear bad news but I am Zakhar after all, well, Kirill is impotent. He can't have kids, talk more of a kid." Zakhar laughed out so loudly that the birds on the tree flew away "So much for a perfect life"  he turned around and punched the tree behind him and blood oozed from his knuckles.

Zakhar breathed out in content "Fuck, it felt so nice to get all that out of my chest." He quickly lit a cigar and walked out of the graveyard not sparing a glance as he walked away.

Bro is still hung up and acting as if he's hey okay...

Anyways, what do y'all think??

Feel free to vote, comment, share and follow.

Listening to Aim for the moon by Pop Smoke and Quavo.

Just curious, cats or dogs? I fancy neither, I can't even take care of a fish.

Lots of love,
Lomera 💜

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now