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I was still sleeping peacefully when I felt my breath cease. My eyes opened in fright as water cascaded from my head down to my feet. My eyes widened as I took in the new environment in shock. Where was this place? My hands were chained together above my head and my feet together to restrain me.

"Ah, and she lives!" I turned right to find Tega looking at me with a big scowl on his face

My eyes widened in shock, what was he doing here? How did he get here?!

"Let me guess, that little stupid brain of yours must be racking in confusion. You are wondering where you are and how you got here?" He laughed

My breathing ceased as Vladimir made an appearance into the room. His face was blank but I noticed he had a gun in his hand and I knew he wouldn't be afraid to use it. Avtoritet probably sent him in here to kill me and get it over with

"Vlad ..." I started

"I will ask questions and you'd reply. Clear?" He asked walking closer to me

"I swear..."

"Clear?!" He gritted grabbing my hair by the roots

I nodded in pain and he let go of my hair harshly and I could see a few strands on his fingers

"How did you escape from the hospital?" He started

"W...wi.. Window" I stammered

"Who helped you escape?" He asked raising my head to meet his eyes

"No one" I said looking him in the eye

"Bullshit!" He growled, taking my chin in his rough hands "Did you hear me, bullshit!"

"You were a slave, no? How did you know your way from Moscow to Kazan?" Tega asked

Vladimir let go off my chin and paced around a few times "What did you tell him?"

"Tell who?" I asked confused


"Nothing" I said

Tega angrily tugged the chain on my neck forward making me choke "Do we look like fucking fools?!"

I noticed that Vladimir glanced at my stomach before looking at me in the eye with a mixture of pity and anger. I also noticed he had a few bruises on his face, sucks to be him

"I..I swear" I coughed out "I didn't have help"

Tega let go off the chain and I coughed out while trying to breath. I wonder if they were able to catch Maxim or Dutch. I hope they weren't. I was still in my thoughts when I heard Avtoritet's voice from a distance. My body went rigid with fear, I felt my lungs give up on me and I knew he was going to kill me.

As soon as he walked into the cell, his cologne enveloped the whole room and I had no choice than to look up to him. His face was void of any emotion, he just looked blank.

"Has she said anything useful?" He asked Vladimir

"She claims that she made the plan herself" Vladimir answered

Avtoritet turned back and looked at me "Not even a single injury on her body? Do you think we are playing here?!" He asked Tega

Tega looked down avoiding the gaze of Avtoritet. Avtoritet walked further into the cell and sat on the single chair opposite me.

"I must commend you Elizabeth, you really do know how to keep a man on his toes" he said

I tried to keep a blank face. I wasn't scared of dying but I was scared of dying without a purpose and I was scared of dragging others with me

"I honestly tried to figure out what could have possibly given you the balls to think that not only could you lie to my face but you could also escape from me" he chuckled

Lie? I didn't lie to him. Now I was confused

"There is no way Doris advised you to run away, she's too smart to create her own downfall... Emilia....hm... Not the smartest woman I have come across...."

My heart accelerated at the thought of him possibly killing or torturing Emilia.

"She didn't do anything! No one did anything! I did it myself!" I screamed at his face

"I hit a spot there with Emilia's name, no?" He asked tilting his head to the side

"If you want to kill me then go ahead and do it" I said

He chuckled darkly "And where's the fun in that? You made me look for you Elizabeth you have to be punished, no?" He flicked his finger and Tega handed him pliers.

"You are an item. A fuckin gift for my pleasure so do not get used to this attention that I am about to bless you with" he started as he leaned forward "If I ask you a question and you lie to me, I will hurt you and watch as life disappears from your rotting body, so you better start praying to whatever entity you serve to accept your soul"

Vladimir released my hands from the shackles and placed them on the table before Avtoritet. It didn't take me ten seconds to figure out what Avtoritet was going to do with the pliers.

"You escaped from the windows of the hospital, yes?" He asked

I nodded

"What did you tell that general?" He asked looking me in the eye

"I..I .." I glanced at the pliers in his hand and swallowed "I didn't say anything, he said we were going to discuss the plans the next day"

Avtoritet leaned back "You didn't say a word?"

"No. He told me to get rest..."

He stood up "Rest?" He looked at my stomach and back to my face "Why would he tell you to get rest, unless..."

He gripped my hair tightly making me wince "And now most importantly, who's the father of that fuckin bastard in your womb?"

I blinked in shock. What?!

So...so.. what do y'all think? I just hurriedly wrote this filler for y'all. Bless me with your comments and votes.

I know y'all are probably wondering WTF? Wasn't she at Kazan? How's she at Moscow?... Well, this is the Russian Mafia and their resources are top notch.

Damn, Elizabeth doesn't even understand what's going on????

Just curious, Fantasy or Sci-Fi?

Listening to DND by Rema🇳🇬

Lots of love,
Lomera 💜

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now