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"Maxim hasn't launched an attack yet" Avtoritet started as he spoke to his men in his office "It could mean he's planning something big" Avtoritet said his fingers slowly stroking his beard

"Or .." Kirill called out their attention as he sipped his brandy leisurely on the black couch "He's mourning. You did kill and behead his mother and sister" he added with a smile as he drank more brandy

"I remember that Kirill"

"Oh good, I just needed to make sure"

Avtoritet ignored  him and faced his men "Our men that infiltrated Maxim's, any word from them?"

"Not yet" Tega replied with a shake of his head

"They could be dead" Kirill said earning a glare from Avtoritet

"Dismissed" Avtoritet said and his men walked out of his office leaving only him and Kirill. Kirill watched as Avtoritet slumped on his seat, tired.

"Here" Kirill said giving him water "For your throat"

Avtoritet though confused took the water  "My throat?"

Kirill nodded "After all that groaning and moaning you did yesterday, you'd need a lot of water"

Avtoritet tipped his head back and drank the water finally realizing what Kirill was going at "I don't moan."

Kirill scoffed "I was traumatized yesterday, seeing my younger brother having sex. I remember you pooping on yourself..."

"Did you say see? As in, you saw?" Avtoritet asked for confirmation

"Not my favorite scene for the night but it is what it is"

Avtoritet leaned back on his seat "So you watched?"

"Again, not my favorite scene.  I didn't watch, I closed the door when I saw..."

Kirill looked at him for a while noticing the lines appearing on his forehead which usually occured when he was thinking "Are you okay?"

Avtoritet nodded shocked that Kirill asked but of course masked it with an icy face  "Of course"

"You seem... Tired. Go get some sleep"

"Believe it or not but today happens to be the longest sleep I have gotten in a while"

Kirill smiled, his face becoming younger and his eyes brighter "And it's all because of that orange haired girl"

Avtoritet glared at him

"Glaring at me won't make me disappear, you are stuck with my annoying ass forever" Kirill said laughing

Avtoritet rolled his eyes "Lucky me"

Kirill sat down "So where's the lady of the moment?"

"Out somewhere, hating me" Avtoritet said with a shrug as though his thoughts weren't filled with Elizabeth and how she reacted towards him. No female had ever done that to him. Ever.

"Hating you? Oh dear brother, don't tell me you are a selfish lover" Kirill said shaking his head as though disappointed

Avtoritet drank more water "I derive pleasure in giving pleasure only that I can't exactly remember if pleasure was received on her end"

Kirill choked lightly "You were drunk?"

"And high" Avtoritet added as though they were talking about the weather

E.X.O.D.U.S (A Mafia Tale)✔️Where stories live. Discover now