Part 1: (The Flower)

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(*Previously... In Chapter 1, the 2 Headstone Doorkeepers finally open the boulder door (after many doubts and arguments-) for Meggi & Magga to enter outside for the first time, they wonder what their eagerness leads them to...*)

Segierhill: "Oh- you should shut up your rocky mouth next time- you're being rude to people here again!..."

Haedstomme: "*Hmph.*"

(*Both the Stone Heads opened a way out for Meggi and Magga...*)

Segierhill: "Well... you may exit now, but please be cautious about the surroundings; while it's interesting and fascinating out there- it is still considered dangerous."

Meggi: "Do not worry, we will be kept safe..."

Magga & Meggi: "Thank you Segierhill and Haedstomme! Bye-bye..."

(*Both of them stepped outside...*)

(*the 'rocky' door smoothly shut behind them.*)

Magga: "Hm- the Forest seems sunny and pretty... what now, sister?."

Meggi: "Well, we could split up- record interesting things in our Journal... since it is not even used that much anyway."

Magga: "W-wait what, no- we cannot split up Meggi..."

Meggi: "Don't you have a Guardian as well?"

Magga: "Yes but still-! *ugh* okay, fine then; we'll split up for a moment then we will go after you, (and I suppose this is for the sake of the neglected Journal :/...)"

(*Meggi picks up a strange-looking flower.*)

Meggi: "Look Magga- I took a flower that looks like your face while you were talking. :>"

Magga: "Oh shut-... oh- odd, wait a second- that resembles a Face-Morphing Orchid... oddly, it morphed into my face- even if I am not observing it..."

Meggi: "Well, that is the first I have ever heard of such a thing... (*writes the details in her Journal.*)"

Magga: "We just read about these a few weeks ago, Meggi..."


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