Part 4: (The Bellows)

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(**Previously... Magga & Meggi discovered another new stuff in the Forest, in such eagerness for exploration- they seem to venture into a part full of fog and... horrors, wonder what hollows dwell in those parts...**)

Meggi: "Oh dear- Guerdjan too, is worried... we cannot even get out of this fog, *stupid curiosity...*"

Magga: "Erm, We shou- (*The twin familiars ran away*) Wait, Guerdjan; Aenjhael- come back! ;-;"

Meggi: "Perhaps we should follow them instead, do not they have a great sense of smell and stuff?"

Magga: "Okay- fine then, *wait for us you two!..*"

(*As Magga & Meggi followed their Familiars further to the centre of the fog, the Twin Familiars led them onto two abandoned gravestones of the two important characters...*)

Meggi: *sighs* "That was one tiring run... I am already out of breath-"

Magga: *exhales* "Yes... and these two led us here, with... two gravestones."

Meggi: "The stones are murky- I cannot see whose these belong to..."

Magga: "Hold on let me... find my Glivaezy, ah- there it is; (*drops a droplet onto the gravestones*)"

Meggi: "Wait, I did not know you had that... wait- is that from my Collection-?!..."

Magga: "Hmm- seems like these gravestones were from Mrs. Hisanah... Genoris Lucidia-Vanitas and Mr. Docharias Morsor... V-Vanitas. Also yes, the water was from your odd collection of liquids."

Meggi: *ugh...* "Also they were gone just 2 years ago- October 23, 1015? *how did it become indistinguishable as a grave?...*"

Magga: "Nature I suppose... though- how on Tetramett did these get here..."

Meggi: "Well... actually good question-"

(*Whilst Magga & Meggi was observing the peculiar gravestones, its Hollowed owner's souls appeared upon them swiftly...*)

Magga: "Okay- we really should leave here quickly, It is starting to feel unnaturally eerie-"

Magga: "Okay- we really should leave here quickly, It is starting to feel unnaturally eerie-"

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