Part 24: (The Potins - Subpart 4: Northeastern Clan)

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(**Previously... the Vanitas siblings & the Twins asked for the whereabouts of their sibling, so they went to the house of the Last BEast Warder; Selpucchio Terisear Remediass Venenario. Will they find their other sibling?**)

 Selpucchio: "Mhm! My wife is Emiyaccia Vanitas!"

Goa: "WOAH-! So glad to know you now!"

Meggi: "So, where is she anyway?"

Selpucchio: "Oh, well she is at the back of the Gelen Alcazar; right over yonder."

Magga: "Thank you so much for your help, sir Selpucchio!"

Selpucchio: "Ahaha! Welcomed! But please, call me Sel instead."

Meggi & Magga: "Mhm!"

Diu & Goa: "You will be given our gratitude!"

(*So then, they all went to the back of the Gele Potins Grandhouse to find Emiyaccia.*)

 Meggi: "So, she works here, in this hut?..."

Magga: "For a rare Constellar Soothsayer, she is humble honestly."

Goa: "That's her personality, I mean, she is older than us anyway"

Diu: "And wiser. She took care of us when we were babies when Mother & Father was away-"

Magga: "I see, well then, let us discuss it with her!"

Meggi: "Let us also note that we must be quick with everything we do right now."

(*They informed and discussed with Emiyaccia about their purpose, and agreed to follow them to find their last sibling.*)

 Emiyaccia: "So let me recall everything. All of you came here to ask where I am, so you asked my husband, and then informed me about my parents' wish to be in their tombs today. (*Or at least- if possible I suppose*)"

Everyone: "Mhm!"

Magga: "So, are you fine with it, Mrs. Emiyaccia?"

Goa: "Come on Emi, let us visit Mother & Father's graves for once..."

Diu: "They also said our parents wanted to talk with us."

Emi: "Well then, I will join. But I have to inform Sel about this, do you not think?"

Goa: "Fair enough."

(*Everyone followed Emi going back to her house to inform and discuss her husband, Sel, the matter.*)

 Emi: (*opens house door*) "Sel? I am back now- I have something to discuss with you for a moment!"

Sel: "Huh- oh! Hello Emi! :D Everyone is back here as well! So what do you wish to discuss?"

Everyone: "Hehe- hi Sel!"

Emi: "Well, simply put; me and my siblings wanted to visit our parents' tombs out the Taiga, It has been 2 years since we visited though... is that okay with you, Sel?"

Sel: "I see... well, if you are okay with it; then I am okay with it too, do not worry! But before you all leave, I want to gift this."

Emi: "Oh- you are giving off your Decaelos Blade?"

Sel: "Mhm, I am retired anyway, so I am giving this to Magga."

Everyone: "(*gasps in awe*)"

Magga: "W-wait, Sel- why me?! (*surely my father will exile me for this...*)"

Sel: (*chuckles lightly*) "Entarla ni Valsatu", Magga... and everyone."


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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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