Part 13: (The Daione - Subpart 3: Northern Tribe)

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(**Previously... Magga & Meggi possibly found out about Hisanah's child in Marianne's List of Daionien Tribespeople- Gaobathusia Vanitas; the Elardianis of the Nadurthan Shard in the Northern Region. Can the twins meet her at last?...**)

Marianne: "Yes- I mean she is the Guardian of the Magical Shard also called the Elardianis of the Nature Magic :D"

Magga: "Okay- we knew that, but wow- can we even visit her?"

Marianne: "You can actually, (if you have a purpose of doing so)- you go to the Glasa House and ask the Headmaster's Assistant."

Meggi: "Wait, and where is the House you are mentioning?"

Marianne: "The stupendously large house behind me :D"

Magga: "How did we not notice that-"

Marianne: "You know what, I can take you inside the Glasa House; since I work there as a Scribe!"

Meggi & Magga: "That would be nice! Thank you so much."

(*They shortly walked along and stopped at the door of the House*)

Marianne: "Here we are!... (*small door opens*) Ah- hello there, Crisoss! May we come inside because these girls want to discuss with dear Headmaster's Assistant?"

Crisoss: "Hmm... wait, Lady Meggi Geminie Hodfarre & Magga Agniseaius Hodfarre Benaitheas?...!" (*open the whole door*)

Marianne: "Benaitheas?! Both of you are the Patriarch & Matriarch of the Magiterras Villages' daughters??"

Crisoss: "Come inside all of you! I will call the Headmaster himself to meet you both!"

Meggi: "Are we that much of a sensation here?"

Magga: "(*sighs*) Meggi..."

Marianne: "But dear Ladies- where are your Escourts to bring you here?"

Magga: "Oh, they are resting in the Familiars Sector."

Marianne: "Familiars? Wait, my Ladies- have you come into this village without any proper supervision of an Escort?..."

Meggi: "Oh- haha- no... but please this is personal, do not message our father that we are here please :')"

Marianne: "Hmm, yes my dear Ladies, I will not- for I am only but a Scribe anyway :)"

Daione Headmaster: "AH! The Royal Empresses of the Magiterras Domain! Good to meet your acquaintances highest dear Ladies."

Meggi: "(*Thought: Magga- this is quite overwhelming, we have not met another Royal before!*)"

Magga: "O-oh, greetings to you too, Highest Honour!

Headmaster: "What have you both come here for? A personal trade-off for valuable resources or handing us the Pure Magic Stone? HAHAHaha-..."

Magga: "...Uhm no, we came here to see the Nadurthan Elardianis, please; this is but mere important discussion only, nothing else."

Headmaster: "Ah- haha, I see (*Thought: this is much worse than I thought, they are here to take the Nadurthan Shard!*)"

Meggi: "Hello? Highest Honour are you there?"

Headmaster: "Huh- oh, yes yes; uhm I shall call on the Elardianis at once my Ladies..."

Magga & Meggi: "Thank you so much!"

(*The Daione Headmaster summoned the Nadurthan Elardianis at once*)

Headmaster's Assitant: "Gaobathusia the Nadurthan Elardianis will be here shortly, my Ladies! The Daione Headmaster will substitute her..."

(*Gaobathusia Ullois Vanitas arrives to meet the Benaitheas Twins...*)


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