Part 20: (The Potins - Subpart 1: Northeastern Clan)

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(**Previously... Goa & the Twins managed to fully convince the Alhaallan Crowned; Albedieu Lucidia Vanitas, Goa's older brother- to visit their other sibling in another village, this time; in the Northeastern Region, the Gele Potins Clan... how well would they do?**)

 Magga: "Gosh, Meggi! That method of transportation was on another level, I- WE could not even think that is possible... (*no pun intended*)"

Goa: "I agree, and well- primarily it is because of the type of magic that was available back there."

Albedieu: "Yes, the mystic crystal we hold in my clan is the Valistan Shard, so the method of transportation seems reasonable I guess."

Meggi: "Mother's gift is more powerful than I ever thought... (*I- oh wth-*)"

Goa: "Now let us go inside and convince... uhh, who either of my siblings lives there-"

Albedieu: "Probably our older sister; Emiyaccia, I mean, I have heard that she became a Constellar Soothsayer there- I believe..."

Magga: "Ooh! Are not Constellar Soothsayers the ones to have higher connections to the Constellations' magic things?"

Meggi: "Wait- we learned these back home, aren't they rare to find- or; even extinct perhaps?"

Albedieu: "You have a point, the last recorded Constellar Soothsayer was 900 or so years ago..."

Magga: "Let me guess; was it Ingrittanica Benaitheas?"

Goa: "Wait, as in the literal Ingrittanica Deshi Munnapentti Benaitheas?!"

Meggi: (*"How did you all even know that-..."*)

Albedieu: "Yes... I think I am not that sure actually-"

Meggi: "Well anyway, should we try to go inside now? Aenjhael & Guerdjan is looking for a Familiar care sector, right beasties? ^v^..."

Magga: "I agree... Uhm- guys, have you noticed a pile of giant empty concoction flagons here?"

 Albedieu: "Well, I have..."

Magga: "I- Wh-"

Goa: "Oi, people! I found one full elixiric bottle here, someone cares to examine this?"

Meggi: "Hehe- throw it on the gate!"

Magga: "MEGGI!! Why would you-!... Actually yes, throw it Goa- trust me on this since-"

Albedieu: "Uhm, I think the Clan gates are tightly locked..."


(*Goa threw the bottle at the gates and exploded it entirely without any debris behind.*)

Magga: "It was an Explozie Curată Elixir, it cleans itself up after exploding anyway, so we are all good!"

Albedieu: "This is seriously trespassing..."

Goa: "Well- it was for the better good, Diu!"

Meggi: "My my, how delinquent of you, Magga! Haha!"

Magga: "Albeit it was locked, so it did not break any regional laws (*I mean it bend a little-*), well I mean; exploding gates aren't even- I actually- it- throwing was not the only sign- Oh forget it, let us just go in it's almost dusk now..."


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