Part 11: (The Daione - Subpart 1: Northern Tribe)

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(**Previously... The Fable of the Pale Moon was well-admired before; during the times of injustice & overdone disciplinary standards that are mostly prominent in the Northern Region, but speaking of; are Meggi & Magga in one of the villages mentioned by Spirit Hisanah?...**)

 Meggi: "*gasps* Magga look! the Daione Glasa Tribes!... Girl, wake up."

Magga: "Huh- (*yawns*) what, wow finally we arrived!"

Meggi: "Also how did you fall asleep on Guerdjan's back-"

Magga: "What did you expect, It was a long travel & you telling narratives as if they were bedtime stories."

Meggi: "Hehe- well, let us stop here Aenjhael; Guerdjan, we will find you some food and a place to rest for a while."

(*The twins standing at the Tribe Gate*)

Magga: "Do you think they'll let us in, Meggi?"

Meggi: "I do not know, but it is worth a try at least."

Magga: "So uhm... what now-"

Meggi: "(*knocks on the wooden gate aggressively*) HELLO? ANYONE WOULD CARE TO OPEN THE GATE FOR US THERE??"

Magga: "(*dead inside*) -_-..."

(*The gate opens slightly*)

Meggi: "Oh- SEE! Worth a try, sis"

Magga: "This is trespassing, where are the Gate Guardians-"

Meggi: "Seriously- do not fret sister, we will explain on the way :D"

Magga: "Yeah- no, why would I explain- you dragged me into this-"

Meggi: "Pshh- all's fine! It's not like a father would go and hunt us here."

Magga: "Really ominous, Meggi, real ominous..."

Meggi: "Oh can we just go inside, because we need to find Ms Hisanah's children right?"

(*The twins got inside and asked a local villager about the whereabouts of Hisanah's children*)

Meggi: "Uhm, hello there mistress! Do you somehow know where to find uhm- Ms Hisanah Vanitas' children here?"

Mistress: "Oh Vanitas? Hmm... I am not that sure, but I have a list of villagers in my house if you want to check who you are looking for."

Meggi: "(*Thought: why do you have a list of people's names-*) Oh, sure! We would like to see it please, thank you- Mistress..."

(*Magga: "Look Aenjhael & Guerdjan, there's a place for you guys to rest and eat! Let's leave you guys there for a moment, okay?"*)

(*Aenjhael & Guerdjan: "Worf Worf!"*)

Mistress: "(*chuckles gently*) I always have a list of villagers here, I am a Scribe so that is my work :>. Also please call me Marianne"

 Also please call me Marianne"

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