Part 5: (The Bellows 2)

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(**Previously... the Twins were eventually led by their Familiars- Guerdjan & Aenjhael into the centre of the fog, and found 2 neglected gravestones and their owners... wonder why's it there? Or is there another reason...**)

Meggi: "Well,  we cannot at the moment, but I-... s-someone is behind you-"

Magga: "Wat!- (*Screams silently loud*)"

Mr Vanitas: "What on Tetramett are you here for, children?!"

Mrs Lucidia: "Calm down a little, they are just children, Mormor..."

Meggi: (*Inhales softly*) "m... H-hello there, S-Sir Vanitas and Mrs. Lucidia!..."

Mrs Hisanah: "Well hello there children! Who are you two by the way?..."

Meggi: "Erm, I-I am Meggi Geminie Benaitheas Hodfarre, ma'am; and this is my twin Magga Agniseaius Benaitheas Hodfarre..."

Magga: "-And w-we assure you, we were not supposed to be here; we are l-lost that is why..."

Mr Docharias: (*Gasp-*) "Did you about what your dear Grandfather has done upon us, by any chance?!"

Hisanah: "Mormor, stop... so uhm, are you telling us both of you are the daughters of Regina Magia. Antiartah Benaitheas Otebonne?"

Meggi: "Yes... b-but how do you know us actually?"

Magga: "-Our Grandfather did not tell n-nor to mention to us something about the both of you, s-sir..."

Docharias: "Hmm, how odd; perhaps he's hiding from you I suppose then."

Hisanah: "This might be too subtle Mormor..."

Meggi: "Actually I'm quite interested now, what did you know about my Grandfather?..."

Magga: "I suspect something uneasy now."

Docharias: "Your Grandfather, Avus basically... (hmm- what is an appropriate word for this-) oh, killed us for upsetting him on a small thing!"

Hisanah: "You know it was not a small thing, we lied- I lied to my uncle... for our sake."

Meggi: "W-wait, what do you actually mean exa-" (*Whilst speaking Meggi and Magga were fetched by Aenjhael and Guerdjan to escape from the foggy area...*)

Meggi: "Guerdjan noo!-"

Guerdjan: "Worf!"

Hisanah: "Erm- wait, I have a request- please find our children from Daione Glasa- Gele Potins- Alhaallatoivossa and Deisidaimones Villages!..."


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