Part 2: (The Disquietude)

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(**Previously... Magga & Meggi somehow convinced the Stone Heads to let them outside- and while outside they first discovered an odd Orchid plant which morphs into its "Observer", yet Magga's face was implemented by the Orchid even if it wasn't observed... wonder why?**)

"While Meggi & Magga ambled through the nature of the Lacrimajica Taiga, Magga issued about the curse to Meggi; and questioned-"

Magga: "Meggi... I am concerned a little about us being outside-..."

Meggi: "Why so?.."

Magga: "(Seriously-) are you really not concerned even a little about coming outside after a combat with giant Soul Collecting monsters that could possibly be roaming about in this Taiga?- and not to mention about the hereditary curse..."

Meggi: "...I am stressed sister... I cannot be just about the curse, it is making me horribly worried. But about the giant monsters 2 days ago- they do not really tend to exert too much energy on attacking people, they just... often sleep, luckily."

Magga: "Well okay... (*how on Tetramett do you know that-*) but otherwise if we can't have help about this curse- we might as well be forever bound to it..."

Meggi: "N-no we won't, we can search for help... well, hopefully at least- although I have brought a map, so it seems like an advantage :>"

Magga: "...Okay if so, then what is the nearest Village to ours then?"

Meggi: "Erm, the uhm- from the Northern Region... I think the Dai-Do...-Downey Glasa Tribes are there, it says here..."

Magga: "Uh huh, well if so- we might as well head there, (it's also pronounced as Daa-ween sis.)"

Meggi: "Okay, but wait- I still want to explore more to detach my stresses... ;v;"

Magga: "Sure then- (*I still need to add something into my barely desolate Journal anyway...*)"

"As the Twins walk along the Forest, Meggi and Magga too- found something new on the grounds of Lacrimajica..."

Meggi: "Oh, interesting?... Look, sister- there's a glowing stone here!.."

Magga: "Sorry what?- That seems intriguing... wonder how."

Meggi: "We can make a Hypothesis about these new things... I mean- we are free to theorize :>"

Magga: "Yes actually... hmm, perhaps they glow because of its voidal colouration- that greatly absorbs the sunrays, eventually heats up and... oh glow due to temperature- SISTER DON'T TOUCH THAT!..."

Meggi: "Oh- it is not really that temperate Magga...:/"

Magga: "Well- I suppose my theory was wrong then."

Meggi: "Yes very :>... although, it is quite warm..."

Magga: "Count that as semi-correct then."

Meggi: "Wonder what is inside though..."


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