Part 10: (The Fable 2: White Apparition)

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(**Previously... Lè Yì' & Nà Yán fought against a powerful beast in the forest of the mountain but were unable to defeat it because they lacked training in their Wushu until they were saved by their mad mother & father, wonder what will happen to the two friends now...**)

 The girls could no longer bond anymore, not even step outside their house doors... until one night on the date of the Pale Moon, a floating white apparition descended from the Moon- landed between the girls' homes. The girls wanted to sneak outside so that they could see the apparition up close; but couldn't, so then, the White Apparition used Bilocation to visit each of the girls in their bedrooms. To gift them each a special Half Pendant and guide them to be self-disciplined.

 But their parents witnessed the scene because they were disturbed by noises, and were shocked by the apparition's return. Lè Yì's Mother & Nà Yán's Father was saved by the same apparition- 25 years ago; during the Scarlet Moon while they were out at night fighting the Blood Spirit when it killed both their parents and absorbed their blood & became pale while sleeping. But the White Apparition was there to aid them, the pale figure divided itself surrounding the Blood Spirit & gesturing the symbol of the Pale Moon but with some help of Nà Yán & Lè Yì's Parents, so then, the malignant Spirit was vanquished back to the Scarlet Moon, after then;

 White Apparition (Báisè Yōulíng): "Wēndài Yuèliàng, Jìn Tàiyáng... I grant to you both solemnly; for your greatest intentions and honourable courage and justice, the Xiōngyǒng de Jīqíng Qì (a prodigiously conspicuous power of the mind to be presented physically whenever needed.) And the capacity to be capable of Tàijí (the extreme limit of patience & peace and the perfect infinite balance of the Yīnyáng; Chaos & Harmony.)

Báisè Yōulíng: "But be weary of these capabilities, be disciplined."

Wēndài Yuèliàng: "I-, W-we will treasure these... M-Master?..."

Jìn Tàiyáng: "H-how are we even supposed to use this properly?"

Báisè Yōulíng: "Both your limits can tell you well..."

Báisè Yōulíng: "I must now go and return to my Moon, yet I am not supposed to be here at this time, but I broke my cycle to help you both."

Wēndài Yuèliàng & Jìn Tàiyáng: "T-thank you so much..." (*with a sincere gratitude & bittersweet feeling*)

 The White Apparition gifted them the ability of immense uncanny power & Tai Chi (inner peace... but it was broken.) The girls were surprised by their parent's backstory- then the Apparition advised their parents as well; to not be controlling of another's life, even if it seems you're disciplining your children, and to revive their Tai Chi that was given to them before by maintaining the inner peace (this is for the parent's level of patience & peacefulness to be managed.)

Moral Lessons:

-Do not blindly manipulate others, {especially children}; to do things that are best for them by the parents because of traumatic pasts or other alibies, (since temptations only affect children eventually & even more trauma for the parents.)

-Children in their right mind should always be self-disciplined even whenever curiosity becomes risky, (since the consciousness of happenings surrounding you can be helpful in ways.)


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