Part 23: (The Potins - Subpart 3: Northeastern Clan)

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(**Previously... Hodfarre and the Wardens marched their way to the Alhaallatoivossa Clan to find Meggi & Magga but were again informed that they got away with the help of some Elemental Magic, so Hodfarre used another way of travelling; spatial warping... but would that make them progress more, or the Twins' team will?...**)

 Iannemar: "I can help by referring you to another person that I know of :)"Goa: "I see, go on then..."

Iannemar: "Selpucchio Venenario the Beast Warder! He is just beside my home, very convenient, eh?"

Goa: "Oh what! I- I thought Shou Kanshus were discontinued- extinct! Also, is it not too convenient for a RARE Warder to be just next door!"

Iannemar: "Ahaha! You are funny, of course, Beast Warders still exist... well there is one in here. You should still go there though."

Goa: "Hmm, sure then..."

Iannemar: "Well, good luck on your mission :)"

Goa: "Yeah, thanks I suppose..."

(*Goa later informed the rest about this.*)

Meggi: "Oh! Hi, Goa! Any luck about your sibling's whereabouts?"

Goa: "Yes, and I know the person to ask for, I mean; the name at least, I have not seen him in person yet."

Meggi: "Okay then?... At least that is good! Who is it?" (*shouts to summon Magga & Diu*)

Magga & Diu: "Any good news, guys?"

Goa & Meggi: "Absolutely yes!"

Goa: "Now let us go!"

(*Everyone followed Goa and eventually arrived at the Last Beast Warder's Home.*)

Diu: "So uhm, this is the house?..."

Magga: "Well- never judge a book by its cover, I suppose."

Meggi: "Oh let's just go in!"

 (*Goa knocked on the door a couple of times*)

Goa: "Hello? Anyone around here..."

Diu: "The interior looks lively, yet it does not feel so."

Magga: "Do not be too dramatic, guys, perhaps he is in deep sleep."

Meggi: "Hello? Mister Beast Warder?"

(*A room door opens... and Selpucchio the Shou Kanshus comes out to meet them.*)

Selpucchio: "(*yawns*) Greetings, visitors... Can I help you with something?"

Goa: "Are you really a Beast Warder, Selpucchio?"

Selpucchio: "Why yes! Well, my bloodline descended from Beast Warders of past generations anyway, so it's tradition to become a Shou Kanshus"

Diu: "Fascinating! So your family is the last line of Beast Warders..."

Magga: "Well, sir Selpucchio, we came here to ask you something; the whereabouts of a certain surname: Vanitas, around here?"

Meggi: "Perhaps a name called; Emiyaccia Vanitas, sir?"

Goa: "That is our sibling, and we would be gratified if you know where she is."

Selpucchio: Oh! So you all are looking for my spouse, then?"

Diu: "Wait, what-"

Diu: "Wait, what-"

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