Part 16: (The Alhaalla - Subpart 1: Northwestern Clan)

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(**Previously... the Twins & Goa managed to convince the Daione Headmaster to be the substitute for Elardianis & his Assistant to substitute his role. Now Goa & the Twins have arrived at the Alhaallatoivossa Clan in the Northwestern Region to visit Goa's other sibling, but, have they all landed safely?...**)

 Meggi: "Oh, my, dear, stars... that was so exciting yet terrifying!!"

Goa & Magga: "Oh please tell us more about it" (*almost pukes out of horror*)

Magga: "(*clears throat*) It is good that the large wooden vine disappeared as we landed."

Meggi: "We should do it again sometime!-"

Goa & Magga: "NOPE!"

Magga: "Wish I have not suggested that- but well, here we are!"

Goa: "What if someone saw what we did back there?"

Meggi: "Who would?"

Goa: "Oh, I don't know, everyone would?!"

Magga: "(*Takes the largest gasp known to history*) WERE ARE AENJHAEL & GUERDJAN!?!?! MEGGIIIIII!!"

Meggi: "(*Intense realization & screams into oblivion*) MAGGA WHY DID YOU LEAVE THEM IN THE FAMILIARS SECTOR?!"


Meggi: "I- Good point actually, but Magga... the hairpin father gifted to you...")

Magga: "(*gasp of resolution*) YES! I just remembered it's a Familiar Whistle!" (*Magga uses her Golden Hairpin Whistle to summon & teleport their familiars from where they are.*)

Meggi: "BEASTIES!! You all good??"

Aenjhael & Guerdjan: "WORF!"

(*Goa: "Glad they're here now, that was honestly the most intensive existential crisis I have ever seen-*")

Magga: "Well anyway, we should enter the village now, the woods in here are eerie- Beasties may be uncomfortable"

 (*Goa & the Twins tried to enter the Toivossa Clan Gate and somehow managed to enter properly this time (*after 101 attempts.*)

Goa: "Wow, it's very... empty here-"

Meggi: "The Gate Guards there were hesitant & seemingly paranoid honestly."

Magga: "Wonder what happened here, who can we even ask to?"

Goa: "Last time I visited here was when I was 7, to be honest, I used to live here with my big brother for like; 5 years at most until they decided to transfer me to the other Tribe..."

Meggi: "Wait what? Girl- you never mentioned this to us earlier..."

Magga: "So do you still know your older brother's whereabouts, Goa?"

Goa: "It was so long ago... 14 years, Magga; but I can still somehow recognize some places here, I suppose they just stuck in my mind then."

Meggi: "We should try & go there, in case they remember you." (*So they tried to go to the places where Goa vaguely remembered, but all the people there were confirmed paranoid and scared to talk to them or even go outside. But one was different...*)

Goa: "Hello? Is someone there? Please can we know where Albedieu Lucidia Vanitas lives now?"

Meggi: "We have been asking a lot of people here, but no one is answering..."

Clansperson: "Hmm... familiar, but yes, I know the whereabouts of Albedieu, just come inside... I suppose"

Goa & the Twins: "Thank you so much!!" (*They all entered the humble abode of a local clansperson & were able to locate Goa's older brother Albedieu, but they were surprised at who the strange clansperson was.*)


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