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Seeing the golden rays seeping through the windows was pure bliss, but seeing them reflect the warm blue colour of the vase my naana insisted I keep to remind me of my motherland was pure joy.
I could feel the smile slipping in. Who said it was intentional to put it directly in beam's way. Gracing my first day? I hope it did.

Looking around I knew everything was set. A palm on my chest. I pray GRACE does the rest. The artificial ivies on the walls gave the room and small porch a more brightening sense of promising victory.
Yes, everything was set. The colour of the beige showcases doing an excellent job with complimenting the freshly baked coconut cakes , just ten loaves of bread (since its the first day) and a handful of pastries. The smell of fresh brewing coffee, flooding my memories with images of my motherland couldn't be ignored no matter how hard you try.

TICK, TOCK, TICK TOCK. three minutes to 6;30 am. Closing my eyes, I say a short prayer knowing HE'S always going to listen.
A minute more, so my nerves pulsed. Feeling the card designed with dry coffee and "kente", (an original beautiful artistic fabric from Ghana), I turn it over to the other side.
We are open. YES WE ARE ! I step outside for the first time after 5 am since I walked through the back door. Opening a bigger cart with these cute wheels my nephew made from his old travelling bag.
They claimed he did.
I wasn't there, but I know that cute naughty 5 year old, who drew a beautiful painting of his family on my birth certificate, because his Mom, who also happens to be my elder sister, trusted him so much to be left alone with it, didn't make these wheels!

She surely did. Does she finally realize he is at fault? or "is he just a baaaaby?"

First Customer pov

" Good morning, Ma'am, can I ..."...

" Ma'am ?"...( maybe a bit louder, but then I have a patched throat)

" Ma'am ?"...(the cart seems to be important than her maybe first customer)

"Miss "I'm open"".....( well that's the limit)

( a loud car bang!!)


Oh my. My first customer with a lovely frown. Could it be a mind game, or is he actually looking me directly in the eye.Oh I see you, dont worry I do.

I try on my best convincing smile, genuinely though. After all it seems unaffordable for Mr Frownie. It must be hard these days, or maybe one of those mornings. I can understand.

A shoulder lift and go...

" Good morning Sir, and welcome to Coffee's pulse, a divine way to cheer up your morning. Our freshly baked coconut cakes are known to have the secret for a cheerful morning face. As my first customer you are entitiled to one, but as a request for a smile from you at least, you are entitled to two.What would you like to order Sir".

I hope I'm doing this right.
My Naana said sometimes my cheerful nature doesn't hide my smart mouth too well. Frownie wasn't making it easy either.
I think I have a double Frownie now, he literally has huge balled fists now and a deep stare. Its so unfortunate he gets the green eyes.  He should notice I have coffee eyes too, but I'm not flattered. Not now. Especially when he is serving  that face.

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