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It doesn't take long for me to make it across two houses before the flashlight of a car behind me had goosebumps taking over my skin. This couldn't be good, a young lady alone in the dark of the night, a rainy one for that matter. Even if I got killed tonight, no one will ever know. The rain will wash all the evidence away. So much for watching crime series. My movements kept going slower to see if the car would eventually pass by since it looked like they were intentionally being slow.

I was to engrossed with fear that I didn't watch my step and had myself stumbling down and losing grip of my umbrella. My elbows made a rough contact with the hard surfaces as I fell to my side. At this point, I was fully wet. Sitting up, I take out my phone, which now had a slight crack and placed it into the pockects of the small raincoat now on my lap. So much casualties for one phone. The car now had their full lights blinding me. I could only hear the door open and someone rush out.

"Koffee what the hell are you doing out here."

I looked up with heavy lashes to see Ian, drenched wet. His shirt sticking close to his skin as he looked down at me with a good amount of anger and irritability. When I failed to come up with an answer to his question, he got closer. He scooped me up like nothing as I held on to the yellow rain coat and walked to his car.

In his arms, I could now recognize his dad in the front seat, opening the back seat so his son places me in. Cooperatively.

Without a word , Ian shuts the car door and walks over to my spot on the ground from earlier, and closes my opened umbrella before making his way back into his seat. Angrily closing the car door, he turns and throws the umbrella by me in the seat. Anger issues.

Still no one uttered a word as he drove through the gate of their plush residence and into an interior garage.His dad only turned and gave me a warm smile. He seemed nice now, specially without seven coulours hooked on his arm.

"Get down". Okay,I was expected to come out too. I grabbed the umbrella and got out of the car. He said no word, as I meekly followed them up a stairs that looked like a million. No elevator?

Straining my knee. a sharp pain had me whimpering before I noticed the little trace of blood on my trousers. I scraped my knee too.

I looked up to see Ian returning down his already taken steps and scooping me off my feet the second time in one night. I looked at the chandelier. I looked at his Dads head. I looked anyway but his close face and moving chest that acknowledged his beating heart.

We somehow appeared in a large living area. When I say large,I mean large. This place was almost like my whole apartment. In the middle of that living room was Seven colours with popcorn laughing hard to the display on the endless inched television . There was the problem with her laugh and then, the messy living space with her signature.

It was with the fact that the sofa, the floor amd even the small path leading to another stairs were having a share of the popcorn. Like it rained popcorn in here.

Noticing our presence, she tried looking guilty said, "Pappy baby. I didn't kow you would be home this early. I'll get this place tidied up before you know it"

A snort from Ian caught my attention, as he said,"Yes you will. By calling a tired Aunty U who has done most today than you've done in the past year to clean up your mess."

Ignoring her face and pleading looks towards Ian's Dad for some sought of rescue,he climbed the stairs. He climbed and climbed till we got to the huge oak doors. He then turned and pushed it open with his backside.

I was introduced to a bedroom straight out of a dream. In wood,porcelain, marble, tile and whatever you can name it looked heavenly. It was the description of magnificent.

He gently got me seated on the big couch at the foot of his bed and found his way to an inner room I presumed was the bathroom.

Coming back out with a first aid box in his hand, he made his way to me. Kneeling he noticed my knee he would be working on was covered. So he got up and walked to these camouflaged doors I couldn't have noticed earlier. Sliding it open, he made his way into a walk in closet.

It doesn't take long before he came back out with a pair of shorts and extended them to me.

"Change. You could get a warm shower."

Without hesitating, I made my way into his huge washroom. God of dreams, I was looking at a royal bathroom. White towels in place, a huge bath tub with a golden tap, an enclosed shower space, products of different brands, name it all. Behind me was a huge mirrow with his products displayed on the surface, mostly for hair and perfume. I turned to lock the door and looked around one more time. I undressed and got into the enclosed shower. Yes some warm water will do me good. So I looked up and embraced the warmth, peace and calm. Stretching, I took his shampoo and used in my hair. Heavenly.

Quickly dressing up, I dried my hair my hair and quietly made way back into the room. He had his back turned to me and on a phone call. I also noticed he already had a change of clothes. Acknowledging my presence, he fully turned before I noticed it was my phone at his ear. Looking me in the eye, he answered to the other on the line,"dont worry, I'll keep her warm". Except that intense look, he said nothing and went on to end the call.


Then there was,"why Koffee?".

COFFEE'S PULSEWhere stories live. Discover now