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It's past 12 pm, and you won't believe I'm still here. Order and orders kept piling up. I was exhausted from all the moving, but my pockets weighed convincing enough to keep going. I saw a few try to sneak and take photos. That wasn't a problem. The more publicity for my coffee shop, the better.

Except for the rumours. I can already imagine the headlines. ANDINO'S COFFEE GIRL.
Might sound petty, but like they say, enjoy it while it lasts.

Finally, I was on my last order.

"One warm of coffee please, and some coconut cakes. Sandra talks about them a lot ", a warm voice said.

Recognizing the voice, I looked up to see the woman from the other day at Ian's house. I even forgot to ask her name before leaving.

"hi Ma'am. Nice to meet you again. What a lovely surprise to see you here."

"you are as lovely as I thought. if I knew Ian's presence that day will cut our encounter short , I would have chained him down to his bed."

I couldn't help but laugh. That was one funny image to create.

"I know you can't get that out of your head" she added, sinking both of us into a laughing mess.

"let me get your order ready before we both die of a heart attack". Oops. I shouldn't have added that.

Turning to her, I only notice her doubling up in laughter as she said, " chill my child, I know how to take a joke when I hear one. I definetly dont want to die of a heart attack now. I have so much to see. Especially that one trip Ian promises to take me on. He can't get away with that."

"He did? Who would have thought?"

"You say that again dear child. He even said I could choose the country."

"Weeeewwwww.....We can even go amywhere?"

This only got her laughing so hard to irk the teenager behind her.


My whole body aches. I would literally do anything to get a massage. My bones ached. Putting my bags down, I make my way into my bedroom to change and get a long shower.

I walk into my bedroom now turned family's. My sister was coiled up on the bed with my nephew, living me alone to the floor space. I was the visitor now.

They say water is life and I accede. Almost a remedy for aching joints. Grabbing my handbag from my closet, I try fishing out my phone. My finger searched and searched to no avail. Turning the bag upside down, I drained all the contents into my "make do with " bed and still nothing. I must have left it in the shop.

Checking my bed side clock , I notice it just turned 8 pm. Well that isn't too late. Besides,I couldn't leave my phone there. In the face of my growing business, it was a huge asset to securing future orders. Who knows, who will be calling for a bulk order? I couldn't take chances. Writing a quick note for my sister, I grab my torch and her pepper spray. I dont own one.

Getting outside my apartment I realise the windy night. So typical me, run back inside to get my umbrella but somehow couldn't locate my rain coat. I couldn't wait longer, or there would be no need going in the first place. I sight a yellow rain coat, small in size and obviously not mine, but I'll make do with it.

Running outside, I jog all the way to my shop. It's not like I can order an uber even if I wanted to. Where is the phone to do so? It takes me close to 30 minutes to get to my shop. My aching joints I thought were dulled, had now gloriously risen from the dead.

Ignoring them, I unlock my doors and get inside. I didn't want to turn on the ligjts, so I switched on my torch light and made my way to behind the counter.

Grabbing the phone, I safely place it into the pyjamas of my peach trousers.

As soon as I opended the doors, the rain came tumbling down, in heavy blows. Looking up at the sky, it was obvious it was going to be a long one. The winds were gingered up and sweeping down on the streets with no remorse of what it might sweep away on its path. I quickly slammed the door close to prevent the gushing wind that seemed to blow in my direction.

Despite not wanting to wait till this rain finished its business, I stayed.

I decided to wait on the wind for some time. As soon as it calms down, whether it goes along with the rain or not , I was going home.

It took me close to 5 minutes to make that decision. Fidgeting with my keys, I was finally able to close up the front doors without dropping my umbrella. I should have opened it inside before coming out. That's simple logic.

Dropping the keys in my pocket, I hastily, not susccessfully drape the smallsize rain coat over my head and open the umbrella. The street was deadly quite and the rain made it harder to see.

I could only envision home and my warm new floor bed while trying to navigate my path from the shop.

At this point, its obvious the rain never calmed down before I stepped out of the shop. There was equally no way I was returning back. I only had to focus on getting home despite being already wet halfway down.

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