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Just like every other 4am, the sound of my alarm comes barging through. Seems so easy waking up from a sleep that never came at all.
Can't believe its already morning. Looking at my ceiling with a frown, I smile.
Yes the dark colour of my ceiling actually looks depressing. Aunt Urana does have a way of getting her bubbly ideas into my head, even on this not so promising morning.

My feet touch something and immediately, last nights memories comes flooding in. I pull out the magazine containing coverages of last night.

He couldn't let me have just one night to myself. For once. A night made for just me. He just wouldn't. I gave it my all. We made it to the top of the list, a white distinction among the other oil companies.
And yes, all he could say was, ".... it all comes with being related to me, a true honour speaking for itself". On national television!!!! I just can't get myself to understand him sometimes.

Let me just focus on my grumbling stomach for now. (notification sound.....)
Sitting up, I grab my phone by the nightlamp. It just had to be Marvin. I'm very surprised (sarcastically).

Probably this time he found true love, again.
"Yes again".

Maybe for the new face, or he just discovered a new drinking spot, like he did every single week of his life after he turned 21.

(Notification sound)

MESSAGE; Marvin; ma guy, ma guy you wont believe this

Ian ; Believe that you seem not to have found the location of your heart since last night?

I texted back, knowing it won't be long before his call comes through, just as always.

(incoming call from Marvin)

So predictable.
Another morning section. Answering his call like always, I switch to loudspeaker and head to the bathroom.
He just wants someone to talk to, to share into his "ungraceful joy".

Warm baths are just my thing. However, it just doesn't work for my far from celibate Marvin of a friend. I could still hear "the summary" of his "might be true love" story spiced with the usual promise of a "try and dump" invading my privacy.
Finishing my bath, I show him how much of a good listener I am and a few words to convince "a lets finish this in the office agenda".

Quicky descending the stairs hoping to catch sight of Aunt Urana, my only piece of joy in this big for nothing empty household. But of cause, I happen to find myself looking straight in the eye of the darkness of this house. His girlfriend. All makes sense why Urana is nowhere in sight. My Dad's girlfriend seems allergic to good energy. I could bet she has Urana doing her year old laundry. I walked past her, with my bag and files in one hand.

Urana seems nowhere in sight.(stomach grumble). I guess I would have to get breakfast in the office. I quickly texted my assistant, Sandra to get breakfast.

Sandra has always being a reliable person since she stepped into the company building three years ago for an interview. Regardless of the fact that she came quite trembling, she had been the exact opposite since then.

The only lady who could look me in the eye and ask anything she deemed appropriate. I could trust her from getting my coffee to holding my meetings in my absence. Descending from my thoughts, I prepare to get the car out of my driveway.

Driving into the street I notice the shop Joey put up for rent seems taken. By the wrong person though. A Floral shop? On Sunway street? You've got to be kidding me.

Wait, Wait, Wait . COFFEE'S PULSE? What's with all the ivies?". Should have said Ivies coffee or something.

One cup wouldn't hurt. At least I get to see the new owner of the place.

The "too happy of an owner " of this shop seems to be here, only in body though. Drifting in and out of space, obvious to any passerby. Anyways,I could still use some coffee. I do need it.

" Good morning, Ma'am, can I ..."...

" Ma'am ?"...( maybe a bit louder, but then I have a patched throat)

" Ma'am ?"...(the cart seems to be important than her maybe first customer)

"Miss "I'm open"".....( well that's the limit)

I feel like I'm going to explode. Stepping out of my luxury black Panamera, I bang the door hoping it had an intimidating effect on her.

What in the place of coffee is she wearing? Matching Fabrics with her cart and the "we are open sign" on the door? That must be one unnecessarily detailed individual.

That shoulder lift she just did. Shoot me. Coffee drama, I guessed, till the words started spilling out from her lips assuring me of a promising dramatic interaction.

" Good morning Sir, and welcome to Coffee's pulse, a divine way to cheer up your morning. Our freshly baked coconut cakes are known to have the secret for a cheerful morning face. As my first customer you are entitiled to one, but as a request for a smile from you at least, you are entitled to two. What would you like to order Sir".

............. A request for what?  She just pulled the very last straw.


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