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Picking up the note that rained down earlier with the bouquet, it read, "I apologize for what happened earlier today. I'm not good at this, but I'll really like to make it up to you. I really do. Dinner at 6 tomorrow?. I'll pick you up please. "

Why do I have mixed feelings as I read the note all over again. Gathering the flowers ,I walked up to the last vase on the kitchen counter and place them in, filling the vase with water. It has nothing to do with the fact that I feel slightly guilty for going out on him like that. No it doesn't. Rolling my eyes to no one in particular, I  hoped these thoughts shifted to the back of my brain.

Going straight for the bathroom to avoid my sister who might still not be asleep at the moment, the earlier thoughts just dispersed.

Today's bathing session felt like forever, persuading me to stalk time so my sister would be asleep by the time I made it back.
Walking in, I see my nephew spread out on my bed like it was his, and my sister on a spare blanket of mine on the floor. Damn. I was always procrastinating with buying a new bed. Now here I am getting ready to join my sister on the floor.
Getting into comfy clothes, I create space beside her and turn my back to avoid facing her.

Just before I could completely drift into sleep, I heard her say,"who calls her boyfriend Frownie?".

Squuezing my eyes close, I dread opening them ever. I didn't want to face tomorrow. Maybe Ian was right, we should have talked about the presumed "us".

The immediate future was a promise of chaos.


I feel eyes on me. I swear I do. Opening my eyes I find myself staring directly into the eyes of Jojo. That mischievous look was never good news. Sitting up, I see him holding a piece of paper similar to the note Ian wrote when he brought me home that night. God, please tell me, my nephew can't read. So not daring to say a word , I compete with his stare off. Stubborn little wasp.

Smiling more widely he opened the note and straightened his shoulders like he was giving a speech to his classmates in kindergarten and said, "it says, " hard to believe, yet you scared the hell out of me tonight Mouthy ____ IAN" he finished with a huge smile and looked up.

Well he's 5 so he should know how to read? Right? Especially like that? With all the emotions?. His very next words  had me more confused than I thought I could get.

"Well that was good performance, I was Angel Gabriel in my school's last play. Yes and oh mum says she'll be dropping me off at her friend Martina's place before she comes to see Ian and you later" "Aunt Koff is Ian your boo?"

I don't know what to say.  I only know how to stare. So I do exactly that, as he shifts his focus and hops out of the room leaving me with an opened mouth.

Boo? Who taught him that too?

Putting two and two together ,I know I had to see him. Because knowing my Taty,  she could easily convince us we were from Venus and we would glady believe.

"Good morning to you Koff. Ain't it a lovely day already?", she interrupted my thoughts with a lovely face at the door.
Ignoring my state, she walks up to my drawer and picks out one packet of my chewing gum, all the while still smiling.
Keeping eye contact she applies her lip gloss and winks at me saying, "we gotta oil these lips. Cause guess who we talking to today, Again. The Ian Andino Diamandis. Yes you heard right. "

Checking herself out in the mirror one last time,  she turn to leave but abruptly stops and turns. Back to serious mode she adds, "I'll pick you up at 2 pm. I want you dressed up before I get here please. Its an Andino Diamandis we meeting, we also can't tolerate being late. See yah pretty"

Hearing the front door click shut, I knew I didn't want her to open that door again and meet me in here. Dragging myself up, I neatly folded the blankets and checked the clock  at my bed side." 11 am??"
I never slept in this much,  not ever.


An unfruitful meeting. It's been 2 hours in there and no conclusion. Loosening my tie, I stepped into my office to find my table empty. Sandra wasn't out from the conference room yet. Did she forget to put my coffee down?
Dropping the files I had in hand on the office sofa , I walked up to the glass windows. How easy it would have been to get lost somewhere far away. Away from this chaos and coffees.
Turning around, I notice Sandra through the glass doors now in her seat. Leaving the windows and thoughts to escape, I made my way to her seat.

"Sandra. Did you forget my coffee today?"

"Ohhhh. I'm sorry Sir.  Koffee didn't open the shop today.  I tried calling a few times to check up on her but the calls never went through. I should have informed you earlier"

"That's okay. Thank you. Well then, can you get my lunch two hours earlier than usual"

"Sure. Will do Sir."

Back in the office, I couldn't help my thoughts from drifting far away. I thought of what Sandra said. I hope she is all right, because I won't be checking up on her. Not this time.

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