6 1 0

Exactly 4 am , I had my pans clicking and clashing in the most decent way I could try. I didn't make any cash yesterday, so I had this feeling deep down that today will be full of roses and surprises. It must be.

  After enough stirring and whisking, the scent of freshly baked  pastries occupied the shop in its glorious dance. Making sure my two silver kettles and milk frother were visibly clean, I proceeded to pour my fresh coffee beans into my coffee grinder.

The alarm blowing off on my phone signaled it was 5;30 am. I guess I have a good thirty minutes more before turning over the open sign.  Looking around the shop, I make way to one of the few long bar stools I had purchased last month.

My shop wasn't one that hosted the coffee drinkers that buy,sit and drink in the same place. You know, just the buyers. You buy and go. So a few chairs in this case was a good idea.

Not long after I  had found comfortability on one of the stools ,a soft knock on the glass door disrupted it. There were five men at the door. I hadn't seen these ones before. They looked friendly enough for me to keep the door closed. Yes. Naana would say,"no chances". So I walked up and spoke through the closed doors, knowing they would definitely hear me from outside.

"Good morning gentlemen.  How may I help you? " I asked politely. 
There is no way I was letting them in my shop when I knew I was the only one behind these doors . No way.
The one with the softest face voiced, "Sorry to disturb you Ma'am, but we really needed a few cups of coffee this early.  I noticed your sign said closed . But we really need it. You feel me?"

"No I don't feel you. My sign READ closed. I would love to attend to you gentlemen. The only thing is the coffee isn't ready. If you don't mind, it would take a few minutes
This leaves us with no option, than to wait, till the sign READS open".

The horrified looks on their faces got me trying so hard to keep my serious composure. I'm known for taking people by surprise with my smart mouth. It didn't take long for them to turn and leave.

The clock ticked 6 am.  Yet there was this feeling  drawing me back from turning over the sign.
I prayed to God for some kind of miraculous sign to convince me I could turn it over. A regular customer's presence would be perfect.
However I knew Mr. Adolf , my earliest regular customer, usually got her 20 minutes after 6. Should I wait or not.

That decision was  never needed to be made.

I had been lost in my own world that I didn't notice him park right in front of the shop and get out , yes get out. When I finally became aware of my surroundings, he was right in front of the glass doors motioning for me to open up. My arms worked on their own, opening the glass doors wide for him. Maybe they worked that way because he was the miracle I prayed for. The ones that accomplished their purpose  no matter what.

He quickly entered and gently closed the doors while still facing them and looking at the far end of the street. I followed his line of sight to notice the five bulky men from earlier,  now turned photographer's at the end of the street.

There were no cameras from earlier right?
Oh my. Paparazzi.  After me? I wonder if this would influence my sales this week. That would be excellent.  Unwanted chaos with profits. Like this one unwanted stare I could feel burning the side of my face.

I turned to watch him staring at me with this look. Now closer, I could smell the fresh cologne on him and how bright his looks were complemented by rays of the morning sun seeping into the shop.
He straightened up, and looked around, almost impressed.

"Early bird as usual. Good morning "

" Morning,  I could say same for you. What's up"

"Seriously? What's up? What happened to how was your night or something close to the lines?" ,he said raking ne in. Up and down , his eyes travelled.

Was he flirting? Because I'm done with that one game themed assumption.
"Well I don't fancy you around me like you've noticed . So it should be a good reason why you're here this early morning. "

Laughing he said, "well you're right. I had to see you. Couldn't get enough from yesterday "

What . Is. He . Saying

His loud laugh rang in the shop as he continued," back to earth. Wanted to check on you after seeing how I made you some uncalled fame from yesterday."

Recovering I voiced, "oh that. I've not had any problem yet. If I did ,then I'm not aware. I didn't even notice those men who came to the front of the shop from earlier were Paparazzi."

"I don't like the sound of that. Right in front of the shop?"  He asked with annoyance slipping on his face. It was obvious their presence was working him up.

"I'll talk to them but I'm glad you're fine. I am," he added.
Deep in thoughts, he said no words after .

So I ended our morning encounter,

" Well that leaves us with an early morning goodbye Mr. Andino".

"Say that again Koffee "he said ,almost like he was breathless.

My astonished face had his deep laughter filling the space again.
Coming close, he whispered, close in my ears, " cute, breathe. "
When he was almost out of the doors, he added
"Please tell me if anything comes up. Stay safe pretty"

And he was out. Out and gone .
We all I know, he left the shop, but never left my thoughts.

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