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Well, Well, Well, seems its a squared problem here. Frownie is mute too. The Muted Frownie, Frownie Mute,..........(Frownie clears his throat).

Gathering a scoop of courage and hope I've been piling up since morning, I step forward, point a finger at his chest, feeding from the little sign language I know, I go on and sign, "are you okay?" Yh I'm sure, that's what it meant.

Did he?, Did he just take a step back?
He looks like he can't believe what's going on. Can't he see? I'm trying. I really am.

He looks me straight in the eye, looks the other way and shakes his head. He grants me another stare. Yes, grants. Because at this point it seems I'm the one eager to know what fuels Frownie's huge ego.
He looks me dead in the eye, again , and graces the show with his deep voice.
Unleashed from the land of "no Limits", it kept trespassing the doors of my ears and the boundaries of my impatience.

IAN ; Now Miss Mouthy, before you even continue, gracing me into your chambers of unprocessed thoughts, cause that's where I believe all you've said comes from. I need you to put me through to your manager....."

KOFFEE;I see what we have here. How dare you!? Proud male from the darkest cells of disrespect. I'm the manager and who.....

IAN; Keep the details Mouthy. Of course you're the manager(smirking), the obvious matching cart to shoes says it all. The unnecessary details we didn't ask for. Let me remind you on what you should have been doing. You should have been on the lookout, for your maybe first customer, than matching with these shoes to la La La Land

KOFFEE; I wont lie. I'm impressed. A real miracle. The resurrection of a mute tongue. Who knew, it came along with an ego heavier than your head, and disrespect deeper than your stare,( I then try acting like it was so difficult to describe the size of his head with my hands. Sneaking glances, I knew I was getting the desired results. His annoyance to the roof)

Oh, look at that face. This time I didn't start the fight. My naana should be proud.

IAN; You know what, a sharp tongue looks good on you. Must be a full time service job, class or whatever.....I don't intend to be initiated in any way, so I'm just going to head back into the safety of my car, away from harm's way and maybe, act like I didn't just experience the worst morning of my life.

KOFFEE; As you should Frownie.......

Knowing he was still within hearing reach? range? whatever, so of cause, I had to spice up his walk of shame.
Amplifying the most taunting voice I could gather, I spiced the end of our "show".

"Oh Naana , you should have seen the pest with the eyes of a Prince. We really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. YO FROWNIE!!!!, ( I masked up the look of surprise when he actually turned).
I know a place to get coffee made for people like you"

With a smile as wide as day, I walk back into the shop, right to the middle, stood and smiled. Hahahaaaa, now that wasn't a good way to start my first day. Especially since we didn't even bring it inside.
Maybe another time. HA!.
That's what you get, disrespectful temptation with a cool ride. Nice car though......

Looking around the shop one more time, but of cause, my eyes had to land on my Naana's vase. It had to. I dont mind because I'm innocent as these ivies. I didn't do anything to the guy. He started it.

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