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To say I was shocked was an understatement when Sandra told me she was behind the door. After all that happened last night, why would she come after me, or even looking for me. Or did she not rain enough flowers down on me.
"Fine. Let her in." I say to Sandra.

Minutes later soft footsteps entered my office space and  personal thoughts. I really wanted to look up to see the pretty face of the owner of those cute feet. My brain was however more interested in what she would do or say if I didn't acknowledge her presence.

For the second time, I was shocked to look up and see her lost looking at the glass windows instead of me. I guess everyone loves the view from up here.


His office space was big. Real huge. It had big windows overlooking the city. I could pin my shop's exact location from up here even if I couldn't see it close up. What a beautiful view. I could never get enough.

Shifting my focus, I took in the office space.  So neat and, dark. Yes dark. It either black or dark brown.  Even the books that sat on the shelf behind Frownie's seat had the covers of the same colour. No flower pot in sight. Not even a cactus for his personality.

The only white in the room was the shirt he had on, beneath the coat in the huge picture behind him and my pair of white sandals.
Shifting back to him I meet his slightly amused pair of eyes. I wonder what's so funny.
Looking him straight in the eyes I asked, " when do I actually get to sit your Majesty "

He looked taken aback for a few seconds, then making eye contact with me, I find him getting up from his seat with a determined look in his eyes. Where is he going to ?


When my eyes met hers, I expected her apology speech to follow immediately.  It was surprising to see that look of slight annoyance.
Thoughts and considerations to forget about last night flew out the window when she asked, "when do I actually get to sit, your Majesty?"

Did she expect me to easily forget.The nerves with this girl, especially during times when she wasn't allowed to express them was always my problem with her.
Standing up from my seat, I made my way to her with a determined look in my eyes hoping to scare her off, at least the tiniest bit from what she deserved.

Her confused look had me feeling slightly fulfilled though I wasn't halfway through with my plan.


His eyes stalked like a predator as he came around the table. I would not stand down. Looking him in the eye, he stalked closer and closer. I unconsciously moved , moving back further and further while still maintaining eye contact.

Everything seemed on my watch till my back hit his office table. With my space limited and my steps halted , I saw amusement laced in his determined stare.
He leaned in till both hands were on my either side and so he came close searching my eyes as I struggled to maintain my composure while maintaining the stare down.
Such beautiful eyes. There were flickers of blue in them. Blue I could swear could never have been noticed from afar.
His brows were quite bushier than I ever noticed. He was more breathtaking this close. My stand begun to resolve as my eyes noticed him taking me in to. Uncomfortable as this may seem, we felt relaxed enough just studying each others faces .

Then he spoke. Words, I would bet billions I didn't have for, if I was told I'll hear them today.
"Your eyes are more breathtaking from here. I see your emotions despite your struggles to cover up. If I knew you were an open book this close, I would have tried this a long time ago pretty ".

I tried thinking of a comeback.  Just anything. Where was my Mouthy version when I'm needing her the most. And exactly why am I still staring at him?.

Amusement seemed to be disappearing from his face again as he noticed my spell bound face.
This time however, his eyes fell straight down to my lips. He never moved. I didn't either,till a voice interrupted us.

" Andino what's the meaning of this?"
Ians features suddenly dissolved ,annoyance taking over . As he straightened himself to turn to a man who looked like he aged so well outside earth.  An older version of Ian if you look closely. He had a girl who looked nothing like Ian on his arm.
She seemed to be taking me in, obviously not pleasantly though.

"Good day to you too Father. My assistant didn't inform me of your presence " he said .
Quickly recovering, his Dad said, "she didn't have to. I insisted, since she was suspiciously reluctant and I now see why".
Without an invitation, the young lady hooked on his arm added "you've been quite busy with your cards ,though this time I'm quite disappointed in your taste of.............

"Hold it right there "Miss Money can't buy decency". Change your speech's topic. Seriously,Taste?" I ask looking back at her from beneath, her shoes to her ruffled hair.  She looked taken aback  looking from Ian's Dad to Ian , but I wasn't done. So I continued,
" I should be the one talking about my control for not puking at the very sight of you. Now here, we don't know each other and I'm clearly not interested in you or your out of place choice of nail polish so please let's respect boundaries", I end, getting ready to bolt the door. Then Ian held my arm, lacing his fingers with mine, he said,
"Lovely seeing you Dad, but my girl and I would like to grab lunch. Let's do this later, without her", he points out with disgust indicating Madam Old's "girlie".
Too stunned to speak, I watch him secure my lower back as he nicely pushed me out of his office and by a too stunned Sandra into the elevator. 

As soon as the elevator doors closed in , I turned, "What. Was. That. Ian Andino Diamandis?"

"I love the way you mentioned that. Please Koffee, let's get lunch and just talk okay.Please."
He seemed pretty exhausted so I gave in, leaving my thoughts to sound of the elevator ride.

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