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Currently I'm sitting across Ian in a luxury restaurant surrounded with a few obvious billionaires, mostly old age, eating food that looks like art and windows that looked across the entire city. Ian didn't seem bothered at all. I was, especially when I was still staring at Noami Campbell, yes the one and only Naomi Campbell a few feet away, comfortably having lunch with her daughter.
The clearing of throat brought me back to my table as I met worried eyes. He gently said, "Forgive my manners. Should have asked earlier. Do you not like this place? Or simply not okay with your order. We can change that".

"I'm fine. Just not interested in this game and I want us to get over with it". I didn't mean for it to sound that way, but I didn't want him to see I was impressed either.

"You know, you always have this way of making me feel bad for every little good I try to do. Why would this be a game, when I am making the effort again. Yes me, Not forgetting right after last night, when you threw my gesture of apology in my face. Who do you think you are?"
Pang of guilt and hurt nestled low in my tummy as I looked away. He didn't deserve to see it.That hurt pretty well. Ignoring him I pick my fork and dig in .

I shouldn't have said that last line. But why do I feel , nothing I do is ever worth her praise at all. Her focus was now on her food as she looked anywhere but me. I didn't want that either but I had no idea what to say next. We spent the last 10 minutes in silence as I tried to slow down so she could hurry with her food.
Trying, I asked, "would you want something else, maybe ice cream?" though I believed she would decline.

So I fetch out my card from my wallet under the table, but was surprised to hear her say,
"Some chocolate ice cream would be nice . Thank you."

"Oh, really, sure sure" I order while still surprised at what just happened .

I watched on as she slowly ate her chocolate ice cream. Suddenly she looked up and asked," why did you ignore me that day morning Ian?".
Her eyes pleaded with mine. I felt trapped as I struggled to come up with words but then the answer was easier . Quiet easier if its truth.
"I'm so sorry. I'm a coward, just didn't want to see you despite it not feeling enough. I felt everything would change between us because of the happenings the night before . I'm sorry"

"I see . And the note?"

"Felt too good to be true, especially with the fact I had ignored you only and hour before the note came in. Before I knew, it just felt to late to reply."

" that morning at your house? When you said you didn't know me" a tear rolled down her cheek and I felt disoriented. I was looking at someone I didn't know at all. She quickly wiped them like it was never there and said,
"Its probably stupid why my eyes are producing tears. I don't even know why. Can we leave please? I want go home"

"Sure . A few minutes please "

I looked at my reflection one more time as I got ready to leave the washroom. My stupid rollercoaster emotions, always giving me out. Taking my phone out , I notice it was already 8 pm.

Oh my Taty never tried calling. Quite odd, I needed to get home.
I was surprised to come out and see him leaning on the wall with eyes closed.
Almost like he could feel my stare on him he opens them to look at me.

"For a second I thought I would need to break into a girls restroom for the second time. You okay? "

"Yes I'm good , thanks"

His throat bobbed as I took in his loose tie. He still looked professional and I loved it.
Bringing his hands out , I stare and blink. Looking up fast enough to catch the slight embarrassment, be pulls back and leads the way out of the restaurant. Slowly following I asked myself where I went wrong. I didn't plan these outcomes in my head when I left home earlier.
I didn't even notice we were by his car until his expensive cologne hit me as he leaned in to open my side of the door, making sure I settled in before getting in his seat.

Turning to look at me , he gently points seat belt.
Nodding, I stretched to grab it and noticed how difficult it was to pull. I'm such an unfortunate thing, why won't it pull.

It doesn't take long for his cologne to hit my thinking drives again, but it was more confusing when he didn't bother to help with the belt either. Just him in my space and me refusing to turn fully, knowing he was so close with his breath fanning the side of my face.

Like the dread of the day, I slowly and shyly turned in his direction and there he was in close up glory. His face had no emotions, just pure curiosity as he closely took me in the second time today. No words came out, so I slightly open my mouth to breathe out the extra tension constricting my hearts movement. The action caused his eyes to follow down to my lips and back to my eyes again.

Leaning back into the seat hoping to disappear, he stretched and easily helped fixed my belt before I even noticed it was over. Like he was never there, he relaxed back in his seat.

Sneaking to look at him while his eyes focused on the road he turned abruptly and winked while I still stared on at him. Where from all the confidence?
The slight smirk on his face made me wonder if he could hear my thoughts too. Turning my attention, I looked on into the darkness we drove through. A town with a thousand eyes closing in. I hoped two pairs belonged to Taty and Jojo.

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