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A journey with silence and melodic soft breaths accompanied the smooth ride. I looked in the rear view mirrow, shamelessly this time. Her eyes lids softly closed, looking as they did twenty minutes ago.

Earlier, Marvin seemed too occupied to read his texts, so I left him behind. Sandra, for a reason I suspect already, apologized and had to stay behind. Not like I'm surprised. "Germano" is around. Well this leaves me alone with Sleeping Mouthy.

Recalling what Sandra said, looks like Mouthy really loves her job much more than I presumed.

However, I personally think that passion or any other reason isn't good enough to stay on an empty stomach the whole day, "especially with a "weak stomach" like hers", Sandra said. I'm sure the drinks from earlier, added up to the discomforting pain.

Smoothly navigating through the welcoming darkness, it doesn't take long to arrive in front of her apartment. I hurry out to get her door and carry her inside. Deep sleeper I see. No sign of awakening.

Who knew I would actually love my job as her personal unrequested help.Speaking to the receptionist, I ask for one Nancy, like Sandra advised. It doesn't take long for Nancy, a woman looking like she was embracing the golden sessions of fifty decades showed up at the reception. She looked almost confused in her apron, till her eyes found Koffee in my arms. She scrutinized me with a soft smile. Then she turned and said something to the receptionist while gesturing I follow her. Leading me up to the third floor, I followed closely.

Nancy took out a key from her apron and let me into what was obvious , Koffee's apartment.
Even in the dark, I could still make out the few white cute pots visible in different places around the space. Some on the book shelf, at the long windows that looked out on the street and on a mini table in the center of the room. From the spot where I stood in the living room, I made out the mini open kitchen with marble coated table tops reflecting the yellow glow from the streetlights outside. The soft reflection gave the space a homey glow.

The switching of lights brought me back to realization that, Nancy was still behind me.

¬¬Aquí, ven ven (she said with a broad smile)

¬¬ Sure.( I responded to whatever she mean't and tailed after her..)

Right through the opening and vacating the hall, we immediately appear in a very small corridor. Whats with Koffee and small things and spaces. The lightly deemed corridor led to two rooms. I'm guessing the washroom is what we just passed by. Leaving the last room to my imagination as hers.

Laying her gently into her peach sheeted bed with Peter pan drawings I made sure she comfortably settled in. I didn't trust it could house her until I saw her coil like a foetus. The scene, instantly melting my heart. I moved and gently sat on the rocking chair close to the bed. Didn't know these types still exist. Its literally made from bamboo sticks.

Everything seems easier with her asleep. Her soft breaths still soothing my incoming headache. I lost count of bottles earlier, as I watched her smoothly rock on the dance floor. For now, no smart mouth with sharp words. But I still need her healthy. "We all do", I thought as I stared at a sleeping form.

Looking up as a response to the feel of someone's stare on me, I see Nancy leaning in the door way, looking on with a smile similar to what Aunty U gives, whenever I catch her staring. This one however, looked quite scheming and suspicious.

Looking at the table clock, I stand to take my leave. Thanking Nancy, I write a few notes for Koffee after hesitation. Dont know what is going on, but the smile on Nancy's face only got bigger.

Ignoring her, I look back at Koffee for the last time. "This girl got me big", I breathed out as I set the notes beneath the clock.


Waking up with a pounding party in my head. I carry my self lazily out into my mini bathroom. My horrifying reflection staring back at me got me trying to recollect what happened. My dress from yesterday was so crumpled and smelled like sweat and something else I didn't recognize.

Blurry images flood my thought as scenes of last night comes dribbling in. Feeling nauseous and finding a short lived comfort in the washroom before the wrecking pain sent jolts of shock through my abdomen and drained the last energy in me. I only remember a voice asking if I was fine. Sandra must have brought me back.

After washing my face, I walked back into the kitchen to get a glass of warm water. There was still this pins-and-needles kind of pain in my abdomen.

(soft knocking)

I open my door to a smiling Nancy with a bowl of hot soup in her hand. Inviting herself in, she makes herself comfortable on one of my three peach balloon chairs. Still looking at me like some I was some sort of fairy tale.
"So I was right. You weren't single after all"

All that cane after,was everything unexpected. All came pouring down. Every single word out of her mouth about last night felt like an extra blow to the burning sensation in my abdomen.

I'm officially done. Yes I am.


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