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When Sandra sent me her location ten minutes ago, I didn't expect I'll have to wait another 10 good minutes for her to walk through Mouthy's apartment gate alone. Yes alone.
Apparently Miss isn't ready. So much for me being the occupied one.

Unlike me, Sandra seems pretty unbothered texting in the back seat and making conversation with Marvin from his seat at the front. Leaning on the car would needlessly expose my sort of little excitement for this hang out. Folding my arm sleeves, I find my way back into the car. Carrying on with killing time and joining the rather undisturbed waiting club.

Exactly 5 minutes later, responding to the tip-tap of her footsteps within my latitude, I look up. She is definitely breathtaking but I'm more grateful to Marvin for eclipsing my current state of astonishment. She hadn't changed her hairstyle, the slight make up was completely washed off. Be it intentional or not, her brows looked slightly wet, like she rushed with towelling her wet face .

She had black loose jeans hanging around her waist just perfectly. Her slanged off shoulder light orange top was slightly shorter, giving us the cemented gospel about her really small waist. Before I could even reclaim reality, Marvin was scurrying out of the car in chaos to assist with opening the car door. I spot her roll her eyes as he unaffectedly led her to the other side of the car.

Now interested in my side view mirrow, I was graced with the full view. In the mirrow, her eyes met mine for a split second and my lips betrayed me, because at that point, my heart just stopped. Like I died for a few seconds, my heart literally stopped beating. I didn't fail to notice her white slippers edged with kente beads. Through the rear view mirrow, again, I watch her make herself comfortable in the car.

Could be my imagination, but she looked sullen for a few seconds before turning to make conversation with Sandra. Great, just great. Smoothly disregarding my presence.

I tried so hard keeping my eyes from finding her in the mirrow. I tried keeping my eyes on the road.

Looking back up from rummaging through her bag with Sandra about one lip gloss, our eyes meet in the view mirrow again. Damn, I'm officially a creep. For a moment, there was a flash of shyness till she masked it up and reintroduced Mouthy.

¬¬Is there something you want sir. ( She taunts me imitating Sandra).

Rolling my eyes and trying, I calmy point out, "seatbelts please".
I ignore Marvin's sharp turn. I'm surprised too.
I dont even know how to think and act in my own space. Its almost frightening. Lets just focus on getting to the location.
Marvin's "personal "recommendation, Atlantic's glass.


She is already on with her second bottle, and still looks the same as she was when we first entered. Just like Marvin ,we are both intrigued with how much she can have. She seems not to be holding back at all. Comfortably having what she can and looking at the others on the dance floor.

Sandra isn't done with her glass and she seems pretty exhausted. I dont even remember the last time she took time off work. Certainly a conversation for later. Right now, I would want to find out why the boy in blue has his eyes on us.

The college student seems to be approaching our table with the whole world's anxiety sitting on his brows. He looks uncomfortably determined in his strides though. Annoyingly, he walks up to her and asks for a dance. She looked taken aback for a moment before she smiled and my world came crashing down.

I'm starting to believe that everything is a movie these days . She actually agreed to the dance offer. The college boy seems to be having the fun of his life, while I'm here sulking about my "maybe" first crush.

In the crowd, she still stands out. Her orange top casting a soft glow to the face that hadn't even looked my way the whole night. I subject on drowning down my glass. Still witnessing their slow dance show, I see her movements getting slower and slower.

It doesn't take long, before I see her excuse herself to the washroom. Watching her go, didn't sit well with me for some reason. Holding on to my "creep" title for the night, I followed her.

I've been in the corridor for 4 decades and a half with no sign of her. I already look like a freak standing not dangerously close but noticeably close to the ladies door. After a few minutes of noticing everyone out and she still in for some reason , I decide to do what I never did and never thought I would do in all my 26 years of living on planet earth. I barged in.

Damn! Calling out her name softly but audibly I hear her groan in the last restroom stall. At least this restroom looks clean than I presumed. No puke stains on the floor. Knocking on the door of the last stalI, I politely ask her if she's alright and all I still hear, is a soft groan stalked by silence.

¬¬I'm going to come in now. Damn.I shouldn't be doing this but I hope you understand I need to help you. So yeah. I'm opening the door, coming in....My goodness, Koffee you look pale as a ghost, no a moon, me get you out first.

Widely opening the door, I get closer to her sitting on the closed lid like she was in pain . At least her eyes spoke the words her lips couldn't utter. Her eyes looked, almost pleading. I may not really like her sharp mouth, but I definitely,could never bring myself to  like this look either. So vulnerable.

I help her up and carry her gently out of the washroom. She feels so cold.
Easily ignoring the looks of the three half drunk girls at the entrance, I focus on taking her out. Through the dance hall again, I notice Marvin dancing with three girls, two Asians and an Indian. Broadening his game already. Sandra was back in her seat pretty devoted in a conversation with.....Chidi. Okay. Well that's unexpected to.

Stepping out into the cold air of the night. I walk toward the car and keep the back seat open while gently putting her in. She is surprisingly light weight judging with her height. Taking off my coat from where it hanged on my seat, I drape it around her.

Streching to grab a bottle of water from the cool box, I soak a tissue with some cold water and wet the beads of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. Checking her temperature I notice she is slightly warm now.

I text Sandra about the situation and lean on my side of the car door for her.

I know waiting wasn't a problem. Especially since I'm looking forward to the one in my backseat than the other in the bar to show up.

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