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Its really happening. Its been a month since I opened the coffee shop. Everything's been great so far.

I may not have a 6 figure account balance, but sales have been attractive with no negative feedback from any customer.
Inspecting everything for the last time, I get ready to close up the shop. Well, I would have, if not for the running figure that seems  aimed in my direction.

¬¬¬Owww. Sandy. Look....At.....You!!!......What seems to be the matter "Madam I want coffee for my boss, no sugar with......"

¬¬¬ Girl, thank goodness. Yes I do need coffee. A lot. I thought you'll be long gone by now. I bear great news. Extra cash opportunities.

¬¬¬You mean extra ceeeeeessssh? I'm innn.......

¬¬¬....are you ready? .... Well you just bagged yourself a customized 700 grand order

¬¬¬ A what?...........That's real big........You actually mean it? That's huge Sandra?

¬¬¬As it should Koffee. Period. My boss is organizing a business breakfast meeting with his suppliers and a few government officials.You deserve that stage.Besides do you think My boss would allow you have such a big opportunity if you aren't good at what you do? Fire up girl. You got this.

¬¬¬I see what you did there......I saw it. I did.
Sounding like a boss already. But honestly I'm grateful Sandra. I really am. You don't mind getting extra coconut cakes tomorrow right. It's my compensation for increasing the weight of my wallet.

¬¬¬Yes I don't mind, especially if its with a larger coffee cup.

¬¬¬Roger that. Say no more. At your service my Lady.

¬¬¬See you tomorrow Koffee. Bon Nuit Madame,à bientôt. De lautre côté de la journée

¬¬¬I'll have you know, I do know a lot of French. Just inform me earlier when you wanna do that. Tease. Pleasant dreams. Black coffee's assistant.

Damn!!!My jumpy nerves. This is huge for my dreams and, and, and of cause , my pockets. I'll buy my Naana, that puppy she wanted. That one that never grows. Okay I didn't mean for it to come out like that.
I mean, a chihuahua.


Aunt Urana is up again with the," you need a woman talk". Her memorized speeches and lectures always lights up my boring world.
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining.
I'm very content with my life, but that seems to irk Aunt U more. She notices like she does every time, that I'm more entertained with these sessions than convinced with her reasons.

That look. Damn. I love this woman very much.
She's been the only mother figure I've known. I do know she is younger than my runaway Mom. She's different too. Yes she is. Things would have been so different, if she only........

¬¬¬It will all make sense one day I
(yes she is allowed to call me that. Only her).

It will be easier if you open up. Its not so hard to love you, you'll see.

I hope so. I hope so. A certain someone I'll be seeing tomorrow said I'm "a big headed man unleashed from the darkest pits of earth". I can imagine the look on her face when she sees me. Priceless. Mouthy.


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