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My palm balled into fist as I watched her walk away, almost running. I saw the hurt when I acted oblivious to the fact that I knew her. I didn't mean to, but I had to stay away. Heaven knows I had to. The past weeks had been total hell. Guilt for ignoring her that morning ate me up. Shame for not acting up to cover my mistakes kept plaguing me. I could still clearly recreate her form, eyes on me, as she frantically waved that morning to get my attention. I didn't stop. Even after I received the note beneath my morning coffee cup, I did nothing.

I couldn't bring myself to. I'm a coward. Stuck in the grasp of the past. A past not wanting to give the future a chance to prove me wrong.

It shouldn't be my business, but I noticed she lost weight, or am I just....

¬¬ My brother(Aunty U said teasing) . you know her dont you?

¬¬ You didn't have to remind me you know?(how could she indirectly call me old) Nothing to worry about.

¬¬Of course I'm very invested.Yes. Especially when your eyes lit up in a second than they did in the past month.....i see. Finally found h.....

¬¬How about we get you in first before finding anyone.


Coming back outside to ensure everything was in, my eyes settle on a package on the wall. Walking to the gate, I notice Mattew wasn't back. Meaning someone else might have left this here.Grabbing the package, I notice the all too familiar name, COFFEE'S PULSE. I guess in a rush, she must have forgotten to pick it up. Curious, I looked inside to see a heart shaped card.


I know it was wrong opening the card, but I know wrong started as soon as I looked inside the package. The little quack drawing of a boy got me smiling. Cute. I guess have to return it then, although I am already anxious of this certain fact. However I knew deep down that I wouldn't hesitate finding a good excuse to see her. I miss her. I really do.


In between my sister and I, my nephew slept soundly . According to my sister, Jojo was pretty much a deep sleeper, meaning we could talk our hearts out and narrate into details everything we want to. Well, as expected, that's exactly what happened.

Yet, what wasn't expected was to get to my apartment and see Frownie with a bouquet of flowers walking through my apartment gate. I'm not hallucinating, with that. Am I ? I wonder as I step out of our ride. I haven't seen this car before, but for heaven's sake he can afford any car. "Please tell me he isn't your owner", I whisper, talking to the car. My sisters words came in, pulling me from my thoughts.

¬¬Sweedie. We are eventually going inside right? I mean, we are Infront of your apartment right?(with my nephew on her shoulder, she asked with sarcasm.)

¬¬Of course Taty ,Of course. Here. Let me help with the bags.

Praying it was just a hallucination from earlier, I walked lazily into the reception. Looking around like a lost puppy, I see no Frownie around. Oh God, I almost had a heart attack. Greeting the receptionist, I make my way upstairs.

I wish we had an elevator here you know. Taty still has Jojo over her shoulder.She must be real tired. Informing her I'll be back to help, I quicken my steps up to my door. Did the owner of this property not know he was going to build a fifteen floored house. So much for planning. At least, everyone on the fifth floor and above should have a discount for all these work, I didn't rent this place to.......

Somebody hold me, because I'm seeing the man I saw from earlier. Yeah the Frownie, was, and is Frownie. Dreading the encounter my heart couldn't manage to process, his greens met mine. I would have asked why he was here. I was going to ask, till someone else asked a question. A totally different one.

"Tell me that's not Ian Andino Diamandis?", my sister half shouted as she watched on with an open mouth, still balancing my nephew on her shoulder. Did our stare off take that long for her to get here this quickly?

Her curious eyes found their way down to the bouquet he held and back at him again. I know I would have found a way to dodge the inevitable, if and if he didn't open his large mouth and say, "Hi. You must be Koffee's sister. Do you mind letting me help with the boy. That must have been a lot of work with those stairs."

Before my sister could bring out words from her already opened mouth, he gently pushed the bouquet halfway through the handle of one of the bags I was holding. Assuring himself it wouldn't fall, he turned and took my nephew without asking again.

This should have been my moment. It would have been my moment to stare real hard, and ask how dare he show up Infront of my door acting like he knew me now. My anger wasn't given the stage to perform, because my sister, who no longer had any physical weight on her, was scrutinizing both of us with eagle eyes.

She locked her gaze on me and said, "I think you skipped very important information in our car talk session."

Doomed.The night was only beginning.

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