Chapter Twenty-two

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Krel sighed and turned to vex, "Shouting commands never worked for Mama and Papa, either."

Stuart lifted his camera and snapped a picture of Krel. "Alright, well I think we've got it. Great job everyone. well done. That's a wrap."

Krel raised an eyebrow at Stuart's strange remarks before turning back to vex.

"Go keep an eye on your sister and the human. Varvatos Vex will take care of this Birdie situation."

"You're not going to kill her are you?"

"Only a little bit."

Krel rolled his eyes and peered over the table. "Hey, Olivia, let's go."
Olivia stayed silent and focused on her homework.

She jumped, quickly looking up and fixing her glasses. "Yes?"

"We need to go find phoenix and Aja."

"Wait why? Where'd they go?"

"You didn't hear anything that just happened?"

"Not one thing." She shook her head.

"Oh, hey krel. Could you ask Phoenix to stop by later?"

Krel hesitated, "Sure... Why?"

"Oh, well I saw her eyeing one of my limited edition records and wanted to see if she'd want it. Course it's not much use to me so maybe she'd get a kick out of it!"


"Aja!" I started running after her, "Aja wait!" I dropped my skateboard and hopped on, hoping I could catch enough momentum.

For walking, she was going fast, she'd already reached the end of the sidewalk and started waiting for the cross Walk.

Finally catching up, I called her name once more before rolling past her and into the street. Quickly lifting my board I skidded to a stop and walked back over to her.

"Why'd you storm out?"

"Why wouldn't I! Vex has no idea what he's talking about." She crossed her arms.

"Yes.. but, this is something that I think you maybe should have tried to explain carefully?"

"There's no sense in trying to, he never understands anyways. It's like all he cares about is killing people when that would just put us in more danger!"

I stayed silent for a moment, trying to piece together words to say. I held out my arms and she immediately hugged me tightly. As I hugged her, I could tell he was holding back tears, she was tense, and not just in her normal way.

She let go and wiped her eyes with a sigh, "I'm sorry I don't know what that was."

"Hey it's okay, I get like that too- actually everyone does."


"Yes of course! It's normal, sometimes things happen that make our emotions go overboard, but with the right help... You can basically... Restart them, I guess."

She looked down at the ground as she thought, then a small smile appeared and she looked back up at me.
"Thank you for...speaking up for me. I couldn't say what I needed to with-"

"I know... "

"Hey! Aja, phoenix!"

We both turned around seeing Olivia and Krel walking towards us.

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