Chapter Twenty-nine

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It was dark, only the light of the moon and bright blasts of magic could be seen through the trees. I was tired and out of breath from fighting off the endless dark monsters.

"Easy now, there could be more!" Douxie shouted.

I looked over at him and nodded. Haunting noises echoed all around us as bushes rustled from their movement. The sound was almost too much to bear, it was like a being trying to take control of your mind.

I stood back to back with Douxie, my hands glowing a bright blue energy as I watched around me. The sound suddenly stopped and Douxie shouted, "Now!" We both made a quick move as the shadowy creatures pounced out of the trees.

Magic blasted from my hands as I fought off more of the creatures. I felt like it was getting harder to breathe as they quickly surrounded me. "Hisirdoux?" I turned to glance behind me but all I saw in my view were those dark monsters surrounding me.

They started screaming again, that haunting echo returning. I covered my ears, occasionally blasting off shots towards them. One of them suddenly pounced onto me, grabbing at my shoulders as it screeched.

I was panicking, trying to pull it off of me

Then the sound stopped briefly as I heard Douxie's voice through the mess, "Phoenix watch out!"

As I turned around, a bright light flashed and I could feel myself falling backward. But instead of hitting the ground, I felt my body crash into water, as I looked around all I saw was darkness. I couldn't breathe, it felt like my heart was pounding, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't swim to the surface.

I opened my eyes and shot up from my bed. My breathing was fast and heavy, and I could feel my body cool off as if I had been sweating. I looked around and there were things everywhere on the ground.

I took a moment to calm down, taking slower breaths. I could feel my heart racing and my hands shaking as my eyes teared up. I ran through the nightmare again in my head, some details fading out. I haven't had nightmares that bad since I first came here.

I pulled Stitch onto my lap, I looked down at him as my tears grew heavier blurring my vision. I just started crying.

Not only was this nightmare scary but it felt real... Just as all the others did... I remember Aunt Kristy called them night terrors, I had them every night for months until one day they stopped. I had almost forgotten about them... I can only hope this was just a one-time thing.

But why did I call Douxie "hisirdoux"?


"Enjoy your favorite cereal with your family, note: don't eat too much or you'll get hyper." Olivia took a bite of her breakfast as she read the cereal box, "Why do companies lie, sugar doesn't make you hyper!"

"Technically companies lie about worse things than that. But you got a point, maybe you should sue them for it," I joked and took a bite of my cereal as I scrolled through my phone.

"Phoenix don't forget you're taking Olivia to the museum today, I have some errands to run. Make sure you're both back before 4." Kristy grabbed her purse from the rack near the door.

"I know," I said in a slightly low tone, the nightmare creeping up in my mind.

Kristy paused and turned back to the table, "are you okay, sweetie?"

I quickly nodded, "Yeah! I'm good, why?"

"Alright... You just seem a little off this morning... As long as nothing is wrong. I love you both!" She walked out of the house as she waved to us.

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