Chapter Thirty-one

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As we walked through the forest, the cicadas and crickets went quiet. We all looked at each other then Krel nodded as he walked ahead of us into a clearing.

After a moment of Aja and I waiting, we finally heard the sounds of Krel struggling.

"Ready?" I asked.
Aja nodded and started to climb one of the trees, I stepped aside, knowing I had to just wait. I could hear everyone talking just a couple of feet ahead of me.

One of the Zerons asked in a low voice, "Where is the girl...?"

Krel stayed sitting on the ground, holding his neck in discomfort, "Oh, she's um, hanging around here somewhere."

And just as planned, Aja dropped down from the trees, letting out a battle cry. Their fighting began and I stood out of danger, waiting anxiously as flashes of light filled the forest. The fight seemed to last a while, I felt multiple waves of energy in me telling me to just go and help them. I knew I shouldn't, but it was so hard to just sit and wait as Aja and Krel took the battle.

They finally caught a break and ran past me as Krel grabbed my hand, pulling me with him.

"We need to get to the bonbon fire," Aja called, "quick, through here," she pointed right and ran through the trees in the direction of the firelight.

I could hardly keep up with Krel even with him running at a slower pace. I saw the fires glow through the trees and Aja already waiting. Once we caught up I took a moment to catch my breath, "tell me again," I panted, "why did I agree to you?"

"Because you love me- Agh!" He stumbled and face-planted into the ground with a thud before quickly standing back up. He pointed at the ground behind him, "And I did that for you, you're welcome." He let out a final sigh, catching his breath.

I shook my head lightly, he wasn't wrong though. Krel looked over at Aja "What gloober invented trees?"

"Hey, those trees are saving your lower posterior right now... and they are majestic." Aja sighed in awe as she looked up at the treetops.

I noticed her choice of words, and it got me thinking, Aja could very much benefit from curse words. "Dang Aja, you should learn swear words"

"What is a swear word?" She asked.

Before I could answer, a loud growl came through the forest, Aja glanced around the area, "That serrator would come in handy right about now," She then ran over to one of the rocks and picked up a guitar with stickers all over it. "Time to shred!"

Krel quickly ran over and took the guitar out of her hands "No, no, no, no, no! I've been wanting to play one of those."

"You can't have the serrator and the guitar" she groaned and grabbed my wrist as she pulled me behind her.

The Zeron's growls were getting closer, krel placed the guitar down somewhere and ran over to us, taking a stand in front of me.

The Zerons came to a halt just before starting to fire their ionic lazers.

Krel turned on the shield from his serrator and Aja dashed out of the way, they began firing toward Aja and Krel quickly pulled me with him to cover for Aja. His arm wrapped around my waist as he held me as close to him as he could. Aja started to climb the tree behind us and one of the Zerons started charging toward us, Krel quickly stepped out of the way, practically spinning me into his arms as he pulled me away. The Zeron knocked the tree down creating a cloud of dust around everything. I coughed from the sudden breath of dirt and pulled Krel out into the trees.

"Where'd they go." One of the Zerons asked. Krel quickly pulled us both behind a tree before looking around briefly, "we need to find Aja..." he whispered. He then turned to me, his expression changed into a soft and curious one. His eyes seemed to just look over every inch of my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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