13: As Long As You're Mine

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*Wednesday July 12, 2023*

If there was anything Lucy loved almost as much as Jaclyn, and that was saying something because that little girl was her whole world, it was falling asleep in Tim's arms. It was the greatest feeling. Lucy still wasn't sure how she had gone so long without him, or how she could have even considered going on a date with some other guy.

When she awoke that Wednesday morning, she expected to roll over and find a bare chested Tim still next to her. Instead she was met with cool sheets. Pouting momentarily, she decided to get up and go for coffee. The apartment was quiet, which meant Tim had Jaclyn. Yet, it seemed too quiet... Slipping into her worn sage green cotton robe, Lucy made her way to the kitchen.

The moment she opened her bedroom door, she was hit with the smell of pancakes and coffee along with the sound of Tamara and Tim singing her happy birthday. She wanted to groan and roll her eyes, Lucy hadn't always been a fan of her birthday. But, after her small talk with Tim about their birthdays being so close to Jaclyn's and knowing that this baby was the gift she needed, she felt differently.

"Guyssss, what did you do?" She wanted to cry tears of happiness, as Tim walked over to her, handing her their daughter and kissing her temple.

"Just celebrating the day of birth of the best, hottest, and most bad-ass momma ever!" Tamara sang as she poured them all a cup of coffee.

"Well, this is all very sweet but, we have work to get to."

"You might, but I am actually off today." She scowled at Tim.

"Well that's not fair." Lucy pouted as the other two laughed at her.


Tim waited until Lucy was in her room getting ready. "So, we are shopping and doing work on the house today. Angela and Nyla already sent me everything we should get and John is coming by the house later to baby proof more.." Tamara high fived him.

"So we aren't doing a birthday party today?" Tamara confirmed.

Tim nodded. "We aren't doing anything until Friday. After the house is fixed and ready. After her shift, I'll invite her over, and have everyone there. Then I'll invite you guys to stay and reveal the remodel." Tamara smiled at him.
"Isn't your birthday this coming Monday?" Tim nodded at T.

"Yeah, but it's not as important as hers. I'd rather celebrate her everyday." Tamara simply nodded, though she wouldn't let that go unnoticed.


While Lucy and Tim finished getting ready for the day, Tamara sat on the couch with Jaclyn. She pulled out her phone to text Nyla and Angela. They knew about her adopted mom's birthday this Friday, and Tamara wanted to let them know that they should also celebrate Tim's birthday. She let them know that Tim was going to try and push it off. Both women agreed that they wouldn't let that happen.


They saw Lucy off to work before climbing in Tim's truck and setting off on their shopping spree. Stop one was the biggest baby store Tim had ever seen. Tamara held the list from Lopez and Harper while pushing the stroller. Tim pushed the cart and grabbed everything Tamara instructed. They also picked out a beautiful set of nursery furniture that had the option of a bed too, so that they could switch it out easily when Jaclyn needed it.

Their next stop was a Pottery Barn, this place was very foreign to Tim, but he followed behind Tamara. She went wild in there for her room at Tim's house, while also picking up a few more things for Jaclyn's room. After Pottery Barn they hit IKEA, which was more familiar to Tim. As Tamara picked up little things, Tim picked out a new couch. They set everything for delivery the next day. Tim hated taking time off work for anything, but Grey had told him that this was a good thing, and with the amount of PTO Tim had saved up, it would be okay.

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