° one more shot °

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• characters: yae miko - Ei
• side character: none
• type: smut
• requested: yes (thank you TheHydrophobicCrab for the request!!!)
• word count: 3164 words
• AU: modern au


Yae miko's pov:

I'm a 19 year old junior in ****** university, and I've grown a special liking to a student i got the chance to get close to named Ei.

At first, when we were freshmen, I used to spot her wherever I went. In the halls, in the cafeteria, in some classes, but i never gave it much thought... i just kept walking... it's probably just a hallway crush... right?


There are millions of other students... so why is it always her?

I don't know... but all I knew was: she walks past me, I stare at her until she leaves my sight without even batting an eye, then repeat.

I am used to peeking at her from a distance, just like a lotus looking up at the distant night sky...

Anyhow, I managed to get closer to her, thanks to a teacher who put us in the same group for a small project.

Using the project as an excuse to get her number and get to know her made me feel pathetic.

At first, she didn't show any interest, and it pained my heart... I would text, and she would reply dryly a few days after and sometimes not even reply at all...

She would always sit alone at lunch, and in class, she would always have her eyes glued to the board, but that loneliness didn't seem to bother her one bit.

I used to break my head, trying to find ways to be friends with her.

One lucky day, I mustered up all my courage and decided to go sit with her at lunch.

"Hello~ the cafeteria is so crowded today, I'll take a seat here if it doesn't bother you."

I said joyfully while placing my plate on the table and sitting down beside her.

She just looked at me and slowly got up, moving two seats away from me.

What the fuck. That was so rude.
Ugh, whatever. I'm doing this for myself anyway.

It did count as eating lunch with her since there was basically no one between us, and a part of me was very satisfied with it.

The days that followed, I started unconsciously sitting beside her everywhere...

After school, all other students were gone, and we were left with a few other people waiting for our broken bus to be repaired so we could go back home.

I placed my bag beside her and sat down. To my surprise, she clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes at me.

Her lips parted in an inhale as she spoke to me properly for the first time out of the project hours.

"Why the fuck are you following me everywhere?"


"Isn't it obvious? I want to spend time with you. Be my friend."

"Uhhhh, no? I dont want to be friends with anyone. Now leave."


"But I don't want to speak with you."

"Whaaaat whyyyy, I have a good heart with good intentions..."

"I don't need a transplant my heart beats perfectly fine, thank you."

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora