𓍯 pose 𓍯

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• characters: aether - Lyney
• side character: mentions of Jean, Ei, lynette and freminet
• type: smut
• requested: yes (thank you Hyeden - gosh_nona999 and HoshBrowns42 for the request!!!)
• word count: 2626 words
• AU: normal


Aether's pov:

I air my grievances of my boyfriend's... lets qualify it as too much kindness, all throughout dinner, ending only after he pushed me down to our bed that night and kissed me until I forgot to scold him about it.

The peace lasts until this morning.

The monstrous thing is very real and very present in our bedroom.

I try to ignore it, going to my desk to do paper work for the grand Master Jean as my boyfriend, lyney, leaves to perform his magic show.

But, it sits there like a particularly distracting elephant in the room, insinuating itself into the center of my attention each time I emerge from the flow of my work, breaking my focus.

I can't take it anymore.
I get up and do something about it.

If throwing it out is out of question, then the only way is to make it work. Somehow.

I pause, wondering if I should take the out that's being given to me by the world.

I swallow hard, because it would be so easy to end my curiosity right now- but then I think about how much thought I've put into this. Think about how far I've already gotten.

How much I want it. How much I need it so it can end this oddity chipping away at my sanity.

It's right here. What I want is right in front of me, dangling like a prize.

I'm not going to let the opportunity I'v manufactured for so long go to waste.


I am done. Not my work. That one has been pushed off for the day the deadline comes up.

Instead, I'm standing in front of the mirror, wearing the maid dress lynette handed lyney for the time being, and will take it back once she's done moving into her new place.

But until that time comes, I would have already gone mad.

How can I not? The thing is just hanging there from the closest's knob, staring at me menacingly every time I walk into the room.

I look at my reflection, twirling and swirling around as I see it fall gently back down once I stop moving.

It fits me quite nicely, so does the colors...
I swallow hard, wondering how lyney would react if he ever saw me like this.

On my side, I would probably die of embarrassment... honestly, it's worse than getting caught jerking off.

I picture it, my mind working overtime as I conjure up all the things lyney would say if he saw me like this. That's if... only if.

The front door clicks open... WHAT?!

I immediately jerk in alert, eyes snapping to the entrance of the room.

I can feel my heart race as my hand clenches and unclenches... I don't have the time to take it off, and even if I tried, I will just get caught naked with the damn thing in hand... I'm doomed.

I drop on the floor, balling up against myself, wishing I would just disappear into thin air, and accepting my fate.

The door opens fully, and lyney is looking down at his phone when he enters. He takes a couple steps in before raising his head and then pauses.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now