>> jealousy <<

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⚠️ read the previous chapter called "Race for ur heart" for more context.

• characters: Zhongli - Ajax
• side character: Ganyu - Keqing
• type: smut
• requested: yes (thank you to all the many people who requested this ship!!!)
• word count: 3317
• AU: car racer (Inspired from the thingy that genshin posted some time ago)


Ajax's pov:

My boyfriend zhongli is a coach trainer for one of the world's best drivers, Ms. Keqing.

A bunch of past crew members decided to quit for different reasons being studies for example, so he asked me to join the pit crew team since the driver has a really important race coming up soon and the team really needs a new crew asap.

Of course I couldn't say no, especially since it's my boyfriend asking but I'm a smart person and call me greedy if you'd like but I took advantage of the situation to place a deal with him.

As we sat in our kitchen, drinking our morning coffee, I spoke after he asked me to join.

"Now, you know I'm busy at the fatui company every day and I'll get in trouble if I take yet another day off, but anything for my boyfriend, so if you want me to join your crew for this race you'll have to have sex with me."

At my words, his face flushed, and he started stuttering as he clumsily placed down the cup on the table.

"W-w-what!!?!?!?!?! No!!"

"No crew then, I guess."
I shrug after taking a sip of my coffee.

"NO NO NO... augh you're such a pain in the ass, y'know that?"

I only laughed in return and grabbed my phone to text my manager about the few days off.


Arrived at the garage of the pit stop, I saw a fancy ass racing car; a shiny, big, pretty car... is it his and I never knew about it!?

"Whooaaaa, what a car! Can I drive it? I'll take you on a date, pretty boy~"

"No. Now behave and help me fix some stuff in the car."
He flicks my forehead.

I nod my head in disappointment. He lays down on his back and slides under the car, ruffling in its engine.

He cited the name of different tools as I handed them to him, and in no time, he got the car fixed and done.

"Okay, can we have sex now?"
I say as I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

He answers without any hesitation as he blocks my face with his hand.

"What? Why? I helped you with the car!!"

"Oh my, you're such a sweetheart."
He said sarcastically, obviously not meaning it.

"I have other sweet sides, wanna see 'em?"
I wink at him in a desperate attempt.

"No, thank you."
He smiled widely as he moved away from my touch when he saw a blue haired girl from our crew looking at us from far away.

What a pain... I just want to have sex... poor me...


Zhongli's pov:

Keqing arrives, and I introduce her to our new team. She seems pleased by the new faces, now she just has to try them out.

I make a quick checkup on the car one last time for any malfunctions and while I stand up, I catch Ajax staring at me, and knowing him, I'm more than sure he was looking at my ass...

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora