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We all stood gathered around a car with a map displayed on the top of the local area. Rick proposed his plan on what areas needed covered today in order to find Sophia. "Alright. Everyone's getting new search grids today." Rick announced. "If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far."

"I'd like to help." A short haired teenage boy walked up. Rick stared at him for a moment. "I know the area pretty well and stuff." Hello random boy. Where do all these people keep coming from? Just spawning from thin air. "Hershel okay with this?" Rick replies, staring him down. Maybe he was Hershel's son, or family. Someone to do with the old bearded man up in the lovely family house. The same old man who is sleeping in his comfy bed all night in a secure house while we have to sleep in a pop up tent with sleeping bags. He is the direct definition of hospitality. Remind me to never have a sleepover with his 2 girls. Probably would be made to sleep in the shed. "Yeah, yeah. He, uh, said I should ask you." The boy stuttered. I sensed he was mildly lying but I wasn't going to speak up. He was going to help find this little girl. And I can't blame him for wanting to help.

"Nothing Daryl found screams Sophia to me." Shane speaks up sitting on a chair of the yellow car with the door wide open. "Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse." The group looks at him. Okay, negative nancy. They find a possible lead on the little girl and he wants to think about the range of different possibilities.

"Anyone meaning that little girl." I spoke up.

"Whoever slept up in that cupboard is no bigger than yay high." Daryl motions to a certain height then begins to play with the buttons on his shirt. "Unless there is another child on the loose then it's her. We need to keep the hopes high. If we don't, we will never find her." I explained. Andrea nodded at me and smiled. "Maybe we will pick up her trail again."

"No, maybe about it." He points to a place on the map and begins to set out his plan to go up there to get a better look for Sophia.

"Maybe you'll see a chupacabra up there too." T-dog jokes. I smile at his joke. Could be funnier but he tried to put a bit of humour into this situation. Gladly he tried to keep the mood light.

"The first night we camped, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra." The old dude with the bucket hat starts handing out guns and the teenage boy laughs. I go to take one from him and then gives me a weird look. His eyes wide and judging, he has a really good stink eye. I'm surprised you couldn't smell it from a mile away.The guns and weapons get handed out to everyone besides me.

"What are you braying at, jackass?" Daryl squints at him.

"So you believe in a blood sucking dog?" The guy questions with a laugh. I mean there is a possibility that they do exist. Never thought we would have human-eating dead people roaming around. Or the end of the world to start. But it did. So what really was his argument.

"Do you believe dead people walking around?" Daryl shoots back, giving him a look. A look which I didn't quite know meant. The boy tries to grab the gun and Rick begins to lecture him on gun safety and what not. It wasn't that hard to use a gun. Common sense really. Andrea starts to load up her gun with bullets. Everyone has weapons besides me. Jokes on them if they think I'm going out without my axe. I miss my old friend already. I clear my throat, "Where's my old friend, axe? Cause if you think I'm going out there without it then you might as well shoot me right here." Rick scrambles to grab my axe from the bag that the old dude with the bucket hat had. He hands it to me but doesn't fully let go of it. "Remember what I said?" He asks authoritatively. Rolling my eyes, I nod at him. If you hurt anyone you're dead, blah blah blah. Whatever. Rick finally let go of my axe and then handed me a glock 43. It felt like decades since I had used my axe last. I missed it so much. I felt like I had brought it up like it was my own child.

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