Chapter 2: The History Of Wuwatha

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Part 2 of this story and I am pumped! Can't wait to see what will happen! Also BTW, I'm trying to keep as much of the Guardian's identity as hidden as possible, this character isn't non-binary, just a secret.


As the Axis stepped through the portal, a bright, white light shone around them, forcing the three to close their eyes. When the light faded, they opened their eyes, struggling to adjust to the dark, must room they now appeared in. JE and FI were curled up on the floor, and had a misty, red dust surrounding them (I had no idea how to explain it) leaving TR as the only one still standing. Then, an invisible force knocked him down and he curled up into a ball, the same position as his two allies, with the mist surrounding him too. It was like they were frozen, eyes closed, breathing calmly, almost as if they were asleep. The only thing was, they weren't. All three struggled to escape this position, but were unable to, and as USSR came barreling into the room, he too dropped like a fly.

(5 minutes ago)

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The Guardian quickly dismissed the red, flashing alarm saying 'Intruder At The Portal' with a wave of an arm. And just like it appeared, floating on thin air, it vanished just as suddenly. The Guardian quickly pressed a brick on a nearby wall, and the wall shifted and moved, exposing a staircase, and ran down a secret flight of stairs that had been installed, connecting to the Portal room, with someone following close behind. The Guardian and this person had been travelling around the Kingdom of Wuwatha, so just their luck to be in one of the rooms with a passage leading directly to the most important, but secret, rooms in the entire Kingdom. You see, the Guardian was the one of the two people who knew these passages, and was the only person protecting the Portal. The only person who knew about the passages was the young ruler of the kingdom herself, Queen Chaxzhia (pronounced Chak-sha). 

The Guardian and Queen Chaxzhia, who happened to be the other person, were touring around the capitol of Wuwatha: Vedor, and had just moved to other major cities like Guryn (pronounced Gu-rin), Imonad (pronounced I-mo-nad) , and Pheosta (pronounced Fe-o-sta). They had been checking out an army barrack in Imonad, when the warning had appeared. The two quickly ran down passageway and into on of the Kuit Pods (pronounced Kud), which travelled at 1489 kmph, seemingly oddly specific, and very fast, but ending in the year 1489 AD, there was a great war between the Kingdom of Wugan, and The Dynasty of Watha. 

In the end, someone rose up and made peace between the two warring nations, and the two nations combined to form The Kingdom of Wuwatha. This person was granted a wooden staff, with carved details beautiful to the eye, and near the top, and huge red magical gemstone, holding the power of telekinesis, teleportation, and another special skill, depending on the owner. The other things this person was given was a title, The Guardian Of The Portal To The Other World, it was quite long, so people usually say the Guardian, and the ability to be partially immortal, murder by beheading, chopping up body parts, or ripping out organs, and few disease were the only ways you could die. The title of The Guardian was passed down through family line, each Guardian somehow better than the last.

Only until recently, the title of The Guardian would be passed down through family lines, but the previous Guardian refused to have a family, saying anyone who holds the three virtues of the kingdom can be a Guardian. There was turmoil in the kingdom, when a group of rebels said they supported that idea, but secretly wanted to use the staff for evil desires. The Guardian had given his life, and his adopted child (the current guardian) had to finish the battle themselves. 

But because there was no ceremony, nor any blood relation between the two, the child was cursed. The only was for others to hear the child speak again was if they found someone in the world who loved them the most. It didn't have to be a dating love, it could just be family love. The only reason the child was kept alive was because the child held the three virtues, more than any other, which proved the previous Guardians point, that you needed to hold the three virtues of the kingdom. Those three virtues? They were courage, honesty, and loyalty. The previous Guardian, however, added one more. Love. Pure, powerful love was the most important one of all.

The child never found someone who had loved them, other than possibly their unknown family, and the Guardian. The child then became the next Guardian, and took the duty to heart, not caring about the rumors, and insults that were thrown at them. The child word a long, way oversized cloak, with a hood that covered  most of their face, and the parts that the hood didn't cover, a wooden masked with red carvings was all that was seen.

The Portal was the thing that the two nations were fighting over, and the thing that Guardian protects, and the thing that the Axis and USSR just discovered...


Oh goodness, I had to think hard about that history. I feel sad for the Guardian, what a past. Oh well, see you next chapter!!!

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The Author,


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