Chapter 4: Another Familiarity

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Still can't believe people read my book... 

It is dinner time, and I can't wait to see the Countryhumans' reaction to the foods Wuwatha has to offer.


Countryhumans POV

As these two important people lead the countryhumans up the stairs, JE continued to wonder where this mask had come from, FI wondered what was for dinner, and he wondered if he could maybe he could make some pizza one night, and pasta the next, TR wondered how he was going to escape this place and win the war, and USSR was thinking about his children at home, wondering how they were doing, because he knew the Allies weren't the best caretakers for kids sometimes. He hoped New Zealand was taking care of them, he knew she was great with children and the little rascals did listen to her, and Australia was pretty good too, he showed them interesting creatures and was a great outdoors type of person, and the kids listened to him as well, more because they knew he had crocodiles, snakes, and spiders that were trained to listen to his every command...

After walking upstairs, taking lefts, and turning right for a few minutes, FI asked when they would get there.

"Now!" Queen Chaxzhia happily announced, she and that weird Guardian don't even seem bothered by the climb, they must be used to it TR decided. As The Queen announced, they turned a corner to a weird, metal object. USSR took interest to it when he saw that is was floating. The Queen followed his gaze and said 

"Magnets, cool right?"

"Yes, how do they work?" USSR asked.

"Earn my trust and I'll tell you." The Queen answered. She then waved her arm and a metal plate lifted with a hiss. Inside this metal pod were seating with cushions and blankets, it looked incredibly comfy. The Queen ushered them inside and put her hand on a scanner-like piece of tech. The door closed, with another hiss, and the Queen said something quite strange. Possibly one of the Kingdom's cities.

All of they sudden, the machine burst off at a concerning speed, but the Queen and the Guardian, who had not spoken a word this entire time, seemed quite comfortable.

"How fa-ast are w-we going?" TR asked, his voice cracking when the vehicle bumped into something.

"We are going 1489 kmph." Queen Chaxzhia announced proudly, she smiled comfortingly, but it didn't help lessen the fear that had sprouted in the 4 newcomers stomachs.

"We're gonna die..." FI mumbled.  

After a few more minutes, the ride slowly came to an end, and the 4 countryhumans stumbled out as fast as they can, JE ran to a corner and vomited, it did not smell good. After waiting for a few minutes to let JE finish, the group set off, as USSR turned back to look at the amazing machine that had let them travel over hundreds of thousands of kilometers in under 15 minutes, he assumed that the passengers on the pod would have to just get used to it. As USSR turned away, he saw that JE's rancid puke had disappeared.

The group travelled upstairs, took a few turns, then the Queen placed her hand of a random brick, probably a hidden sensor, and the bricks of what seemed to be a dead end rolled to the side (kind of that scene in the first Harry Potter movie when Harry enters that shopping area to get the things he needs for Hogwarts) and revealed a large grand hall, a giant crystal chandelier hung up from the ceiling (remember that chandelier) and paintings of bright colors that are pleasing to the eye, light poured through a red, stained glass window, showering the room with red light, it was beautiful.

"Do you like it? This is called The Great Hall, and it took the Guardian a long time to rebuild it after it got destroyed in... an unfortunate incident." Queen Chaxzhia stated, slightly pausing before the last three words, and if you had looked closely, you would have seen something flash in the young rulers dark, ocean-blue eyes, but the countryhumans weren't watching her eyes, to busy looking at the splendor of the room. The Guardian, however, did, and moved instinctively closer to the Queen, as if they were trying to protect her from these bad memories that seemed to have reared their ugly heads.

The Portal To The Guardian (Countryhumans Y/N Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora