Chapter 5: The Pebble

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LOL, I had no idea what to call this chapter, and if you read my little message at the end of the last chapter, you would understand what this means. So, what is the pebble???


Countryhumans POV (JE just sat back down at the table)

"So, I need to talk to you about something serious." The Queen said as she waved all servants and soldiers out of the room. She still had a smile on her face, but everyone in the room could feel the tension that had been created. "I know you may be upset at me for while, in fact, you may hate me forever, but I need to make this clear. You won't change my mind about this."

"What's wrong?" USSR asked, not liking the way the Queens eyes darted around the room, almost as if she expected them to attack her, and she's trying to plan an easy escape.

"Well, usually, when someone walks through the portal, we need to kill them, as we can't let them go back to Earth, as our world may be endangered by humans. Humans, also were the only creatures that had wandered through our portal. We only made one exception for one special human, so we can't let anyone have that luxury again." The Queen said, each word making the Axis and USSR more nervous, and they were the ones trying to look for an escape now.

"The thing is, though, you lot aren't humans, so before I kill you, I would need to know if it would have any impact on your world, because we need to observe Earth, and keep it from collapsing completely. There were some close calls, but your world continues to thrive. A human disappearing, it isn't the worst. So, tell me, what would happen." The Queen then continued. The countryhumans were now more relaxed, knowing that their chance of survival has increased in chance.

"Well, we are called countryhumans. We are kind of humanoid embodiments of countries. There is a countryhumans for every country in our world. If one of us were to die, our children would essentially 'take over' our territory." USSR explained. "I have more than one child, so my territory would be split between them. If you only have one, then that one child would take over all your territory."

The Queens eyes widened. "What if you don't have any children?" She then asked.

"Then surrounding countries take over your land, peacefully or by warring for it." JE answered.

"So, I can't kill you?" Queen Chaxzhia said, and the countries were quite happy to hear the happiness in her voice.

"Fortunately for us, no, you can't" FI said with a grin.

"Great, because I really did take a liking towards all of you." The Queen grinned back, but then she turned serious again. "But, if I can't kill you, I'll have to make sure you never return to your world. Until, you earn my trust. (THE PEBBLE!!!!!!!!!)" She finished up the conversation by stating it was time to go and rest after such a momentous day.

"JE will share quarters with me, as I need to talk to her." The Queen started to say, when she saw JE's expression turn fearful she quickly added "Don't worry, I haven't had a proper conversation with a fellow sister in an awful long time, I just want to gossip." Queen Chaxzhia showed a small, true smile when she saw JE's face light up like a Christmas Show. "I think you haven't got to gossip for a long time either." She said. "Oh! and boys you'll be living in The Guardian's house until we can set up a permanent space for you." She then added, because she forgot that the boys had existed for minute.

The three boys stood up in shock. They were living with the Guardian. This cold, inhuman, silent person, if it was a person at all? The Guardian seemed to have thoughts about this too as they quickly walked over to the Queen and tilted their head to the left (Guardian's left) like an innocent puppy. The Queen knew what the Guardian meant and flashed another true smile.

"Guardian, yes, they will sleep in the guest rooms at your place. I know you don't want to, but this is the first step of trust. Besides, you won't be staying up all night, will you?" The Queen replied.

The  Guardian bowed, stood straight, and nodded. Then, they turned their head towards FI, TR, and USSR. Then they made another head motion, seemingly beckoning the three to follow them. The Guardian then left the room without another attempt at contacting the trio.

As the Guardian led the countries through hallways, going up and down staircases, FI wondered how big this place was, TR tried to start planning on how to find the art room, no longer interested in leaving, and USSR was once again wondering about his children at home. The Queen slightly softened when she heard talk about children, and USSR hopes to gain her trust as quick as possible so he could just get home. While wondering how big this place could be, FI then realized something with a jolt.

"Oh no," He exclaimed. "Where is my knife?" FI patted all his pockets trying to find it. The group had now paused and looked at him, previously walking through a seemingly never-ending corridor.

"What knife?" TR asked.

"I own a knife that is very special to me. I think someone took it while we were frozen on the ground." FI replied.

The countries looked at the Guardian, who stood a little further away from the them. They just tilted their head to the right, as if to say 'I didn't take it'.

"Guardian, this knife has been a family possession for over thousands of years. It was made during the time of the Roman empire and it is very dear to me. It is my inspiration that when things are tough, we need to fight through these times, like how this knife has lasted longer than it should have." FI said, tears building up in his eyes at the panic of losing a family heirloom.

The Guardian slowly approached FI, wiped away his tears with the cloth of their cloak, which was surprisingly soft, and reached into the folds of their cloak. Then, the Guardian gave FI an object wrapped in cloth. FI then carefully took the bundle from the Guardian's hands, and gently unwrapped the cloth, and gasped.

It was his knife, but it was shiny, and looked brand new. FI then gently flipped it over, knowing the knife was still hundreds of years old, and the other side was just like how it he knew it was before. The metal rusted, the metal handle showing multiple scratches, and parts of the hilt worn away.

"How did- did you..." FI tried to say, only thinking that having a half-old looking, half-new looking knife would be great for him. To say 'This is my inspiration, to keep me fighting when times are tough, and coming out better on the other side' to his kid, as Italy loved to hear his father pieces of advice.

The Guardian nodded, then as if they snapped out of a trance, briskly turned around and walked away. The group quickly ran to catch up with them, FI holding his precious knife, saying thank you to the Guardian over and over again. TR and USSR started to think that maybe the Guardian wasn't all that bad.


How the heck did the Guardian 'rebuild' the knife like that? I don't know, and I'm the author. But who cares? The pieces of advice are a butchered version of one of my Dad's favorite saying. 'When you go through tough times, fight through to the other side, and you'll see you always come out stronger in the end.'

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