Chapter 11: The Trust Agreement

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Hi! This chapter drones on for a little but holds a key point in the story, and you may be able to guess what it is based on the title. I wonder what's going on in Earth while the  four have been away... BTW I FORGOT THIS WAS A Y/N STORY, I'M REALLY SORRY!!!!!! I went back and edited it, so don't worry. Do you like the meme I placed up above?


Countryhumans POV

It was the following day after the Guardian's voice returned, and she had quite 'interesting' things to say. JE loved every minute of it, and found out that the Guardian has a great personality, outside of work hours of course. She only talks when there's no one other than the countryhumans and the Queen within hearing range.

"TR, you snore so loudly the rooster doesn't bother anymore. USSR, I hear you singing in your sleep and it sounds like a cult. FI, you're too nice so I'm not going to say anything, even though there are strange things you do in the kitchen." She stated as she walked through the doors to the dining area the morning after the forest 'incident'.

Yes, the Guardian indeed was honest, and sometimes you couldn't figure out if she was being brutally honest, or joking around. But that just made her more fun to hang out with. The Guardian was more relaxed around the 'flagged being' and let them call her N/N, which the countryhumans assumed was her nickname.

"おはよう, N/N!" JE said between her laugh. TR and USSR glared at her. N/N was so random at times.

"Mornin' JE. Is there Mohinga?" N/N replied, grinning evilly as she glanced at the boys, even though they couldn't see it. She often wondered if maybe she should remove her mask, and stop wearing the cloak, then eventually decided against it, choosing to wait until Cha announced her trust in them.

"Yep, where it usually is." Cha said, knowing that even though N/N doesn't eat the food then and there, it goes into a pot on the stove back at N/N's apartment, the stove set so the food only stays warm, and not burnt. The food usually does a little teleportation, N/N using her power, and leaving the room with a dim flash of red light and is usually eaten later, when no one else is around. So N/N can slurp the noodles as messily and loudly as she can, without people giving her looks of either disgust or amazement, amazement because of how loudly the slurping can get.

As everyone sat down at the table, N/N listening in from her post at the doorway, Cha cleared her throat, using one of her faces that meant serious talk was coming.

"As you know, you have been living Wuwatha for about 4 weeks, and in those short four weeks, you have managed to know your way around this huge castle, not fight each other too brutally, and open N/N up. The last one I have been trying to do for years, but she just refused over and over. I guess all it takes is someone, or some people, similar-ish to her for her to finally let down her walls. N/N has suffered, and so have I. And I assume you may have too. So I have decided that you are able to leave Wuwatha, and return to your rightful places on Earth." Cha said, authority and power emanating through her voice.

"Really? You really mean it?" FI said, bouncing in his chair with excitement, JE's tail swished underneath her uniform, and her ears were twitching rapidly.

"One, yes. Although it'll be sad to see you go, you shall return to your families and homes. Two, JE, your hat it moving, and I must ask why." Cha replied, smiling a sad, sweet smile at her friends.

"Oh, I must be shaking with excitement or something without me noticing." JE quickly answered, and Cha believed her.

"Wait," USSR said, catching something Cha had said. "You said 'sad to see you go', does that mean we won't be able to visit?"

The Portal To The Guardian (Countryhumans Y/N Story)Where stories live. Discover now