Chapter 16: Britain's Thoughts

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bleh. I fell asleep while writing LOL, but I am here (All Might)! Let's find out what happens in the upcoming writings. 


Britain POV

The truck halted to a stop, it was so warm. 

'Oh, goodness! I haven't experienced heat like that since I visited South-East Asia, which was before the war. When that pesty Burma wanted to take my crown jewel Rangoon away from me in an independence. I only agreed because there was lots of unrest in Europe, and agreeing turned out to be a good decision in the following war. Otherwise, I know that Burma would have retaliated. What was his name now? Myaner? Manar... Myanmar! Always sleeping during classes, planting trees in the most odd places, never actually learning to speak proper English. Don't get me started on his etiquette and dancing.'

Me and some other European countries hopped out of the van. I continued to stay stuck in my thoughts as we trudged through the heat, sipping some tea through a cup. It is important to stay hydrated, so I drink tea whenever and wherever I go. 

'I wonder what happened to that little girl he helped escape me when I landed on the shore. They seemed to be close, like friends, but it seemed to be more. He did look very much mortified when he saw the body of the little girl's mother, and they both ran to the countryhuman who looked after the land before me. The Konbaung Dynasty was Myanmar's father, and the little girl seemed to consider him as such too. Which means...' I jolted back to reality and took a sharp breath in.

Other countries around me jumped, some shot looks at me, others asked if I was ok. I said I was fine, just wondering about how my children are doing. They understood and turned back around.  Where did that little girl go???

We now stood at the entrance to the forest, tall trees looming over us as we walked in, most of us wondering if those demonic stories were real. The trees blocked out all light, and the dry heat turned humid, still insanely hot though. In fact, a lot of the European countries were struggling. Then, I heard footsteps and me, along with others, turned around sharply and aimed.

"Oi, mates! Put down the guns, its only me!" A familiar voice exclaimed loudly with an accent unlike any other.

"Australia, my boy, what are you doing here?" I asked as I lowered my gun.

"Admiring the wildlife. There some beautiful animals here Dad." He grinned.

"Why aren't you with the other Oceanic countries?" I questioned, knowing New Zealand would never let him walk astray from order.

"Oh, sis stayed behind to take care o' something. I just don't really fit in with the other islands. Besides, nature is where it's at!" Aussie walked up beside me, and as we chatted, more and more countries relaxed, and soon everyone was chatting to someone.

Our group finally reached a stop and a very dim, glowing, red light lit up the forest.

"We're here." Aussie announced, I hadn't even noticed that he started leading the group to the portal. "The portal's a beauty, pure form of life. Although it is a pretty one, I want you lot to keep a good roo's tail distance away from it."

"What's a roo's tail?" A country shouted, obviously one that didn't spend a lot of time with Aussie.

"A kangaroo's tail." Aussie yelled back, his voice reverberated around the forest. "And these are some mighty gums." He murmured, stroking on of the nearby eucalyptus trees.

I led the western European countries forward into the clearing, and a slight breeze brushed against my cheeks. The air turned cold, and we started shivering. I turned around to see USSR leading his children and other east European countries into the clearing. Soon, the Afrikan countries arrived, the North and South Americans, Oceanic Islanders, and finally, the Asians. The loudest, craziest, and the funnest continent. They all were wearing strange metal armor over their military uniforms, and WHAT THE HECK!

Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia came riding in on war elephants. We all know they've joked about bringing elephants to battle hundreds of times, but they actually do??? They must be enjoying our surprise as many of them held smirks on their faces, Myanmar not looking like he did though, as he was glaring at me. ASEAN was frowning, at the portal, which then I realized was incredibly small. We couldn't fit Russia in there, and he wasn't as tall as USSR or the war elephants, which at a later date we found out also helped plant rice, I need to get my own one.

Myanmar leapt off his elephant, landing perfectly on the ground. He walked swiftly towards the portal, and looked back at ASEAN. When he gave his approval, Myanmar stuck his hand through, and it disappeared into the beyond. He drew his hand back to his side, his face without emotion, except for the murderous glance he sent me every few minutes. He quickly stuck his head in and out. He looked confused then.

"There's just a musty basement. We are in the right place." He announced, while walking in.

"Myanmar wait!" India called out, but Myanmar was already gone.

"Prepare for entry, someone test if the elephants can go through please." ASEAN commanded.


Myanmar POV

I get to see my dear sister again! I ran through the portal and entered the crusty, musty, dusty, rusty basement. It's just like how Y/N would disguise it! We have so much to talk about.

I ran to the door but frowned there was no handle. I saw some scanner thing, and placed my hand on it, all common sense evading me. It beeped green and let me pass through.  I ran through and up the hallway, I kept running until the end of the passageways, there was a floating white pod (Myanmar was lucky he chose the exact right paths). I was about to step in when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see India, Indonesia, blue butt, and Japan behind me, startled and shocked when I smiled at them.


bleh, not my best chapter, this one. Still, we shall see what happens next.

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16040 (I just write this cause why not)

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