Chapter 25: What Happened?

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I love this drawing of Myanmar and his dad. It's like me when my dad tells a 'joke'.


Third Person POV

Little 3 year old Y/N was playing by the shoreline, spraying the sand all over herself. Her fussy and strict mother, who was called Me Me, quickly grabbed her from there and told the pretty girl off. Saying things like 'you could get your clothes soiled' or 'that's not good etiquette for girls'. But Y/N, unfortunately for her mother, was a tomboy. She  loved climbing trees, eating messily, and fighting. Oh, how that girl loved fighting. She would watch the men train and boys learn, then, she would copy their moves, perfecting them within seconds. Her father, called Fe Fe, praised and adored the little warrior and her brother, but her mother despised her and only cared for her son.

Myanmar, although he was 9 years old (if human), knew how his mother was unfair, and hated her for it. (I just swallowed lots of water and I regret it. It hurts so much! I actually need prayers, I'm really sick rn) He would grow up to be a brilliant soldier and leader of his father's country. (and now I've hit a mind blank... so, change of topic!)


1 Year Later

5 years old Y/N was running through the village towards the nearby rainforest, and is now crawling through bushes, jumping over logs, and scurrying up trees, her brother far behind. She giggled, and sat down on a sturdy branch, rocking back and forth, kicking her legs, while being 50 meters (164.042 feet) off the ground. She had not a care in the world. But suddenly, a non legged creature slithered across her hand. She payed no mind to it, thinking it was harmless. 

But when Y/N looked again, she realized it was a Mandalay Spitting Cobra, whose venom can be spat up to 2m (6.6 feet). Venom will only cause temporary blistering on a mammals skin, but to the eye, it can be dangerous. If it gets in your eye, your going to be blinded, guarantee (real animal). Y/N froze, not daring to move while the cobra slid around her, sizing her up. This snake was HUGE! Way bigger than Y/N, and to make odds worse-


The branch Y/N was on started to crack and splinter. Y/N screamed and accidently grabbed the cobra when trying to hold on to something. The cobra was wrapped around the trunk after successfully grabbing on when it fell with Y/N. It hissed at her when she grabbed the end of it's tail, swinging around and yanking the snake further down the tree trunk. The cobra flared it's hood and spat on Y/N right when she was turning to look at it. She screamed and let go of the snake as her left eye burned like an Aussie bushfire. She was beat against the branches of trees until she suddenly felt like she was flying, and gently glided all the way back home. 

When she landed, she was at the entrance of the rainforest. The start of her village was just down a dirt path. The pain in her left eye soon became too much and the little girl passed out.

That was the first time Y/N had used her wings to save her life.


1 Year Later

Y/N is now six years old and is kept inside all the time. She is forced to learn the names of people she doesn't even know, and is to be beaten whenever she acts un-lady like. Y/N sneaks out of the house every night to run and play in the jungle. Just because a cobra that blinded her left eye a year ago probably still lives there doesn't mean she can't go to it's home, right?

Y/N practices her fighting skills all night and snuck back into the house just before sunrise.


2 Years Later

Me Me is teaching Y/N how to recognize different kinds of shells by the patterns imprinted on them on the beach. The pair were starting to have some fun together when Y/N saw something peculiar in the distance. It was brown and white, and floating n the sea. It was coming from the west, so it may have come from India. Y/N was excited to see what it was, and grinned brightly. She stood up and plodded in the water, inching closer and closer to the object. Shouts and yells could be heard as the thing neared the shore. Me Me waded into the water, and put a protective arm around Y/N, stepping in front of her.

You see, Y/N's mother had heard what Y/N hadn't. She had heard that their allies in India had recently been colonized by people of the north, whose skin was as pale as shells on the beach. They had technology far beyond normal comprehension. But Me Me and Fe Fe had turned a blind eye to them, refusing to prepare for the inevitable. The day Y/N was blinded was the day Fe Fe had received the news about India's demise. It was like an omen, and now Y/N and Myanmar had to pay for their parents ignorance.

The colonizers dropped a large sliver object into the sea. Me Me picked Y/N up and tried to get the village, her mask scratched her face as it bounced up and down. Y/N scrambled out of her Me Me's arms as she tried to get closer to the strange object with it's strange men. The shell skinned people stopped what they were doing and stared at the radiant child running towards them. Some of the strangers jumped from their object and ran towards Y/N, carrying silver and brown elongated objects.

"Y/N!" Me Me yelled, her delicate voice cracking from fear. "Y/N please, come here! These people are dangerous."

The shear terror in her Me Me's voice made Y/N freeze. Y/N now saw the looks of war on the strangers faces and tried to run back to her mother.


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