Chapter 21: The Note

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Hello! Sorry for the slow uploading, it's been hectic recently. But I'm BACK!!! I forgot about this story, ngl, but I have recovered from the memory loss! I wonder what will happen. Remember, time in Wuwatha is slower than Earth. So, I wonder how long they've actually been gone?


Russia POV

Dad and America are fighting again. They've been doing it so often now, and it's getting scary. Ever since the talented lady in the forest incident, I've always run back to the woods, wondering if she will come back. After all, I want to learn her cool tricks! Then, I'll have something great to offer to the Sustenance League, and they'll stop teasing me. Whenever Dad and America fight, I wish I was in the forest, listening for any chance the lady will come back. My siblings think I'm a little crazy, and that the kind lady broke me, and Ukraine especially rubs it in.

Ukraine and I were enemies since the day we were born. We always say that when we grow up, we'll have a war, and the hate is real. I don't really mean too much by my jests, but Ukraine always takes it too far. So, I fight back, and yet somehow I'm the one who gets in trouble. It really isn't fair...

"Too, bad! Take your units out of Vietnam, we've won already, there's no use denying it." Dad yells at America, who had waltzed into our tent again, hoping to make Dad give up.

But Dad never gives up, he's strong and brave, and he always knows what to do. I don't know what I would do without him. As I tuck my younger siblings to bed, Ukraine doing it himself, I wondered where Estonia was. She should have been back here from picking flowers ages ago. She's the eldest of us, but that doesn't make me worry any less. I decide to go out into the fields to find her, being the good brother I am

"Estie? Estie!" I call out, seeing her and another tall country walking towards, no running towards something. 

I think- IT'S ITALY! I ran over to them, but when I was about 4 meters away, Estonia and her counterpart dropped to the ground. I slowed my pace, but still kept my arms open wide to hug Estonia. As I reached them, I froze. With. Awe.

There was my 2nd hero, THE STRANGE LADY. But, she held Italy, Estonia, and the other one down with a red magic thing, and she was grabbing something from Italy. I'm now crouching in the tall grass, trying not to be seen or heard. I hope she isn't a bad guy, I really wanted to learn how she did that flippy thing in the air and landed in the tree. She hastily unwrapped a long beige cloak and put it on, placing the mask over her face (which I didn't see because her back was turned to me), and flipped the cloak's hood over her head, concealing her identity within a minute. I gasp, not being able to recognize the strange lady, and realizing something much worse.

The strange lady was the bad guy, and she was the Guardian. But, I have so much information to give! I sort of know what she looks like, and some things she can do. I really wish she wasn't a baddie though... I move my position, accidentally rustling the grass. The Guardian is wheeling in my direction. Uh oh, this isn't good. I gulp, realizing that it just made even more noise. Now she definitely knows I'm here. She slowly walks over to my direction, stopped, then just stares at me.

Suddenly, I see red surrounding me, and I can't move. Obviously, she is using her magic on me. I struggle and strain, and eventually, passed out. When I woke up, it was pitch black, and I was still in the field. Italy, Estonia, and the other guy were gone. I wonder why I wasn't with them, then I realize why.

She let me go... but why?


The Guardian

I look at the boy who was kind to me that day. I know he will tell everyone about my new 'reveals', but in the moment, I couldn't have cared any less. I of course restrained him, then teleported the other 3 into the subzone, making sure nothing else popped back into the real world. Then, I watched him struggle to set himself free. But at some point, he pushed his body too far and fell into a slumber. I relaxed my grip on him, and made sure the ground beneath him would be comfortable. Then, I slowly placed Russia on the ground, making sure he wouldn't wake up.

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