Chapter 22: The Guardians

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Well, what was America's announcement? How could it be related to JE? Let's see! Sorry for short chapter.


 Vietnam POV

Not Wuwatha... I would rather be capitalist than let this nation suffer. 

"America, I know you act like a power drunk fool sometimes but surely even you know why we all agreed not to do such a thing again." Japan sputtered, clearly not taking this well. Of course she wouldn't, given what happened to her beloved mother.

"Do you want to win this war or not? It would bring us shame to pull us out of battle now, especially since we're winning." USSR said simply, not caring about the fear in the girls eyes. "Besides, so many of us are disappearing, we can't afford to loose to many more."

This time you'd be blind to not see the obvious panic in the girl's eyes. The others who got the note also panicked, more about Japan's revealing facial expressions.

"What, are you responsible, Japan?" America jabbed, narrowing his eyes at her, the poor girl melting from his discerning gaze. "Well, then, I guess we'll just leave you here when we drop the nuclear bomb."

Japan of course, didn't let that go. She fell into a complete meltdown, wailing and sobbing.

"If you leave her, you leave the rest of us." A brave voice called out strong from the audience, a voice that surprisingly came from Russia. The youngest in our group of rebels.

"Russia?!!?" USSR yelled, and as I stepped to the front. "Vietnam??? But you- I hav-"

"Looks like some of your communist kids are on the dark side." America jested, obviously not sensing USSR's rage.

"SHUT IT YOU FRICKEN' IDIOT! I CAN SEE THAT." USSR screeched, losing his temper. USSR was known for his rare, but explosive, 'outbursts'. Even America has to flinch when shouted at by him.

As the rest of our group stepped out from the shadows, we wondered if they were really going to leave us here to die. We probably had to be on the run after this day, as some countries looked at us with murder in their eyes. If we get back, however, we may start a war. There were only about 50 or so countries left in Wuwatha, still a huge loss if the Guardian finds out. When I looked over to Myanmar, he stared back at me with an absolute rage. Yep, huge loss. He strolled out of there and left before you could say The Guardian Of The Portal. There' gonna be some angry siblings tonight, maybe even Queen.

But then, something amazing and fantastic happened. We were incredibly fortunate for this, and I still tell him thanks every single time I meet him. Myanmar teleported us out of the room. Yes, Myanmar, not the Guardian, who later I found out was named Y/N, of which we were able to call her. Apparently, Myanmar is now a Guardian, meaning two people are now OP in this place... until there were nine Guardians.

We were now in the palace, of whereabouts unknown. I don't know how we haven't found this tall, giant of a building, but evidently there was a cloaking spell draped across the whole city. As we walked through the shimmering halls, led by Myanmar, I wondered what we were all doing here? Surely, we've complied with the request the Guardian has sent us, and it wasn't our fault that America was going to drop one of his nukes. We probably would've been executed if we stayed with the countryhumans, but we'll probably also die here anyways. When we entered the grand hall, we were surprised to see Estonia and Finland walking around.

"Estie!!!" Russia yelled as he ran over to her, and gave her a huge hug.

"Russia?!!? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with Father and the others, not in the palace." She asked as she hugged back. The two siblings then stood side by side, holding hands, when the Guardian entered the hall and teleported everyone in a line.

"Since you five have tried your absolute best to stop the countryhumans from winning, we won't kill  you-" Myanmar began, a rush of sighs echoed around the cavernous room. "But, you will either accept this offer, or live in Wuwatha for the rest of your lives. And the offer? It is to be Guardians."

A look of amazement passed through every one of our faces, except Russia's. The kid just stood there, and thought over this new offer. Then, he looked Myanmar dead in the eye.

"I want to be a Guardian." He stated, and you could hear the conviction in his voice. Everyone soon followed his example and soon, we were all sized up for some beige cloaks, which I reluctantly  took my non la off for.

"Wee will now go through a ritual." Myanmar ordered. "So each and every one of you will gain a powerset, some similar, some vastly contrasting. But one at a time. Russia, you're up first."

The Guardian had walked over to the center of the room and pulled out a staff with a huge, red rock set in the top from the folds of her robe. Russia calmly but quickly walked over to her. She whispered something in his ear, and he knelt to the ground, hands on on raised knee, looking downwards. The Guardian inserted the staff into a hole in the floor, and began to wave her arms. The rock on the staff glowed a light, icy blue. Russia was then ordered to stand up straight and arms by his side like a soldier, then called to touch the stone with his right hand, since he was left handed. A bright, almost white but blue, light blazed through the room, and in similar ways, that was how we became Guardians.

We each had our own different colors, depending on each of our selves. Japan's color was pink, Indonesia's was orange, mine was light green, Estonia's was teal, Russia had the icy blue, Finland's was white, Myanmar's had a deep purple, and Italy had amber. The Guardian said that her name was Y/N, and that she was Myanmar's sister, and ordered us to call her by name. We were then instructed to find out what our powers were, and that it should be easy to gain control over them once you find out.

Russia found he could controls spikes and shards of ice. Italy realized he could eject flames from his hand. Finland could control light particles to shine bright enough to gather them all in a beam and blind you. Japan could create weapons out of pink matter, she just has to get use to the size when they get bigger. Estonia could create these teal force fields. Indonesia could see things that would happen in the future, with the time ahead increasing rapidly. Myanmar could phase through any solid or liquid matter, with the exception of gas. Finally, I had the wonderful  power of chlorokinesis, being able to summon Plants from the ground, abnormally shape them, and manipulate them. 

"This. Is. So. Cool!!!!" Japan squealed as she swung a pair of pink nun chucks in the air.


Gonna end the chapter there. Not much to say here.

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The Portal To The Guardian (Countryhumans Y/N Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz